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Everything posted by Hayley♥

  1. At the moment it's a tie between Froakie and Chespin. I want to wait to see there evolutions before I choose.
  2. Only a few of the heartless recolors bugs me, the main one being Guard Armor. It looks far-far to colorful for its role and I don't really think it suits the game at that point, especially since you have to fight it twice in a alternate form, although its just a personal opinion.
  3. But all the secret characters prior to Julius made sense to the story being some unknown or secret figure which only make sense looking at the other pieces of the story from other games or were a famous character, (I mean who doesn't know Sephiroth, really). Julius is a known character albeit quite the random and is fairly unknown by most people, I mean I had no idea who it was without checking. Although, knowing Square Enix, it probably does have some kind of relevance to the story somehow or in some form.
  4. Thank you to all of you for welcoming me so nicely. I hope to start joining/writing a RP on here, very soon.
  5. I don't think the addition of Julius in KH3D has any real connection to KHIII, itself. I just think it was the best random secret boss they could come up with to fit with all the Mickey references and worlds in that game.
  6. I used too when I was younger but now there is barely anything that interests me anymore, so I never really bother with TV.
  7. I assumed Xaiii-on when I first played it, but that's wrong. Shion does sound better, saying both of the names out loud.
  8. I don't watch either but Kung-Fu Panda? Cheesecake or Gateau?
  9. Hey everyone, I'm Hayley♥ or just Hayley if you'd rather, I'm 16 and I'm a massive fan of Kingdom Hearts; I have been a fan for at least 5 years now. I like to consider it as my nerd topic or something I nerd on massively and explosively. I've played each game so far up to KHDDD and I hope to get KH1.5 when it comes out here. Other than KH, I play a lot of Pokemon. Thats probably my other nerd topic, other than Kingdom Hearts. I hope to get to know you all in my coming time on this site
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