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About Riku_Way_to_dawn

  • Birthday 04/06/1995

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  1. whats with all the "stop complaining" posts?? .-.

    1. SoraBlade
    2. Vortex_Nite


      lol that's the only thing on my recent posts i swear :P

  2. i know they can't make it for the WII U but i just wish WII U users could atleast get the HD remixes since the awesomeness of KH have reach some nintendo consoles, i know the xbox one thing is for marketing stragety and all of that. besides i really don't care if they don't release it for WIIU im getting KH3 for ps4.
  3. i agree i doupt they will include it as a full game inside 2.5 problaby cutscene or nothing at all since kh3D a recent release game but they will probably add something about it to 2.5 since people need to play or see the story plot oh KHBBS AND KHDDD since they are the most important in the KH3 plot
  4. i know but i think that nintendo should get atleast the HD remix since some kh titles have been release for nintendo consoles yet nintendo is not getting kh3 but the xbox one is getting it....
  5. Actually the WII u is a little more powerfull than the ps3 and xbox360, ofcourse is not more powerfull than the ps4 and xbox one obviosly people should know kh3 cant and will not come out for WII U but atleast Square should release the HD remix to the WII U.
  6. sorry but you are wrong kh is fine as it is and theres no need for blood or any swearing infact is impossible to put that in the game disney would never aloud it
  7. yes he is a master he became one in the end of birth by sleep same Riku my favorite character and the only master who haves full control of the darkness and is able to use it for good deeds
  8. hey this my first post so yeaa love kingdom hearts big fan hope you guys enjoy this ^^
  9. even though ven's fighting style is the most badass in the whole series my favorite was still terra but i like all 3
  10. yea im sure theres gunna be a showdown between isa and lea and isa will probably be one of the main norts
  11. I would like to see sora in a new outfit but it kinda bothers me that if nomura knew he was gunna give sora a new outfit he didn't put sora with kh2 outfit on KH3D don't get me wrong I liked the 3D outfit but would had been cool to use sora with kh2 outfit but im guessing we will play with sora's kh2 outfit for a while like in KH2 we used sora with kh1 outfit when he wakes up
  12. well I see terra helping in some way but not completely defeating him as for riku I see him defeating him with sora kingdom hearts started with sora being the main heroe and he still is but with the progress of the story the main heroes have become sora and riku they are both the main characters of kingdom hearts(ofcourse sora more) but yea I see sora and riku doing the final blow they are both the main heroes even in bbs is mention in the end of the game wen they are looking at the stars
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