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Everything posted by Xion889

  1. I'm REALLY glad that Nomura did this and I'm really happy for you that you found your lovely, beautiful, dear Inori on this site. I'm happy you found your true love on this site ...Also I might get mine soon
  2. I just wanna say thanks to everyone here on this site for giving me support and good answers for my nightmare...I feel really good, alot better! I'm so grateful for all the help I'm getting. Also, something tells me that tonight might be alot different...Also I will keep track on my nightmare, I'll write everything down like you said Javelin! I'll be strong for everyone and my friend! Hopefully my nightmare will go away and my friend doesn't get hurt so I can move on and we can live...Overall...Thank you everyone, I appreciate the help I'm getting. I love you all!
  3. Umm...ok...Thats adorable that your a sucker for love! You know I'm starting to feel alot better with the help from everyone here. I'm grateful for the help I'm getting here
  4. *laughs and gives cookie*Well thank you for saving my life that I didn't even know you did...Thanks!
  5. I'll think positive...I'll be prepared...I'll be ready!...Umm...Yeah I care about him and he does too. Buuuut...I don't think were going to...be...more...than that...Heh heh...Uh...*blush*
  6. Thank you...But the thing is...I already told him but he said" Don't worry. It will never happen. It was just a bad dream thats all. Just a nightmare. I'll be fine. Nothing bad will happen to me or you. Everything will be fine. Besides I doubt that will ever happen. Don't let this get to you. You must be strong ok?"...I tried to be strong but its just so hard to ignore...I just want him to be ok...
  7. Ok...I think thats helpful. Yeah I'll do that! If that day ever comes I'll prepare myself so he won't get hurt! But to be honest...you may or may not believe me but the dreams and nightmare that I had when I was small...most of them come true...Thats what I'm afraid of...that it will come true...and I tried not ignore it...I just hoped it will never happen to him...I still wonder though...What did he said when he got hit? Why can't I remember that? Why didn't I hear that?
  8. Umm...Ok...Well I can tell you that my memory not that great but I do remember alot of what happen in the dream(sometimes my dream changes but this is where it mostly take place)...We planned to meet at the park where we met like always. I borrowed my aunts phone so I call for a pick up because I broke mine 2yrs ago. He brought his dog with him and I bend down to cuddle it. We were walking together, eating ice cream, laughing when his dog's leash was loose and his dog started running. He ran after him and so did I. Since he runs a little faster than me, he was able to catch up with his dog when...when...*starts crying again* He got hit by a car...His blood splatter all over the car and me...his blood were on my hands...Though...as he got hit by the car...he said something but...I couldnt here it...Then I wake up...Thats it...
  9. *shaking you like crazy*Fool! I don't eat sugar before BED!!! I DON'T EVEN EAT THAT MUCH SUGAR!!!(sorry I'm just scared of whats going to happen to him)
  10. *screaming, crying, punching the wall* I been having this nightmare for a month. Explain it to me! Its about my best friend's death. Every time I have that dream, I tried to change it but I only make it worse! It just keep on repeating over and over in my head! There times where the day is repeating itself and I'm trapped in it. Why do I have it!? What does it mean!? I can't even look at my friend without crying! That sweet face of his...I dont want see it gone! Please help me! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM DYING AGAIN!!!! NO MORE BLOOD!!!!
  11. Everyone! I won't be online as much so...just letting you all know...Sorry... ;_;

    1. Demyx.


      jokes on you javelin.

    2. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily


    3. DaxtotheMax


      AWWWWWW I liked the cool sequences you would come up with like when you were a cat and that time we went into the party cop car

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  12. Could you answer this:If you were home alone, and in the middle of the night,you heard a fart. What would you do? Would you laugh or be scared?
  13. I'm back! Also my stomach hurts from eating to much food!...Oh...

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Welcome back! I take it you won't be having dinner then

  14. Going to be somewhere else so...Bye!*jumps out window and gets hurt*Ow...Why did I do that?

    1. WakingDawn96


      *rushes to Xion* Geez are you okay? Why did you think jumping out of a window was a good ide

    2. DaxtotheMax


      Don't try to commit suicide Xion, Roxas we need to get someone to guard her room

    3. Javelin434


      *Raises hand* I guess I'll do that then.

      *Guards her room*

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  15. *going to moogle shop but notices a sign that says "Xion is not allowed here"*Huh? Thats weird...Why am I not allowed here?

    1. Javelin434


      *Is nearby filing an incident report*

  16. Does anyone know when will attack on titian season 2 coming out?

    1. Konoha


      Probably next year.

    2. Xion889


      NNNOOO!!!..*is on the ground*I don't want to wait!

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      Xion. We discussed already how I am waiting for the English dub of AoT.


      Have my patience, my waifu. Have patience.

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  17. *wakes up and Axel is standing in front of me*Axel:Morning Xion!♪ Me:Aaaa!*throws pillow and starts running*Get away from me!

    1. Xion889


      *walks in*Hey!What's going on!?...You!*points at Axel*Have we met?Also...How did you get in here?!

      Axel:Yeah...we've met....Your window was open so that's how I got in...Do you have anything to eat?

    2. WakingDawn96


      *laughs at Axel* How many times have I told you Axel to not mess with my friends?

    3. DaxtotheMax


      "So your name's Axel..." *has a flashback*

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  18. I want some pie!

    1. Kittenz


      *Eats the pies in the backround*

    2. WakingDawn96


      *keeps throwing pies endlessly*

    3. Xion889


      AAAaaa!!!*is finally defeated by pies*Ok...you...you win...*eats pie*Yummy!...so good!

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  19. I got...nothing...Ta-da! :3

    1. Javelin434


      *nods approvingly*

    2. DaxtotheMax


      If nobody is still somebody then nothing must be something...I might have solved the riddle

    3. Xion889


      *eats ice cream*Mmm...delicious! Roxas you should have some too!*stuff sea salt ice cream in your mouth and also feels like I done this to you before*Isn't that delicious? >:3

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  20. *doing a morning jog and sees you* JAVELIN!!!*jumps on you also hugs you* Hey buddy! :3

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    2. Xion889


      *we're eating, talking, and enjoying this moment. After it ended, Xion gave Javelin a hug and they both started walking back to the place they need to be. But as Xion kept on walking further and futher, she felt a bit of sadness, emptiness...loneliness. She turn around and without even knowing, she started to run. She kept on running, running, and running until she finally saw Javelin*JAVELIN!!!*tackles you down and crying*I-I-I...I don't want to leave you!

    3. Javelin434


      *Had said goodbye and went our separate ways and now back at the police station* I'm telling you, sir the island popped out of nowhere and-... yes sir... I was driving the boat sir... I'm not lying sir... I understand, sir. *Was informed that the mountain of paperwork was finally taken care of and can take the rest of the day off.*


      *Walks out of station* Now wha- *gets tackled* Oooomph! Xion? Please don't cry Xion. I got the rest of the day off, so I guess I can-

    4. Javelin434


      -Spend it with you! If-... if that's ok with you of course.

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  21. I had a nightmare!... I need a hug!

    1. Xion889


      Yeah that would be- Naminè... Naminè...Hmm? That name sounds so FAMILIAR...Can I meet her Roxas?

    2. WakingDawn96


      You did, she was the girl that was with me at the cafe

    3. Xion889


      Oh yeah! Thanks. Anyway I'm glad that I met you and Naminè. Yup,the three of us will always be one big happy family!*smiles and hugs*

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  22. *dreaming about darkness, keyblade,a boy name Sora, kingdom hearts, and so many things*Its too much!*wakes up from dream and trying to figure out what it means*Why did I had that dream?

    1. Xion889
    2. DaxtotheMax


      "Hmmm didn't Roxas say he fought a guy named Riku, maybe he can tell us what it means"

    3. Javelin434


      *Had radioed Oath to check up. Was too busy with paperwork to respond to crisis*

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  23. *is choking*Crap!...Someone...help me...*is on the floor still choking*

    1. DaxtotheMax


      "I see where this is going, as if"

    2. WakingDawn96


      Okay, you must have ran into my friend Axel to say something like got it memorize. But yeah, I think I can remember that name, hopefully Oath and I could be good friends. * smiles*

    3. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      *blinks* Okay...I hope so too.

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  24. Will there be any more RWBY episodes or that's that? :/

    1. Xion889


      Hey does RWBY have a game?

    2. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      It does not. Wish it did... :(

    3. Xion889


      Me too... TnT

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