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Everything posted by ThedoortoDarkness

  1. Just clarifying, the new limited edition bundle is coming out for North America too correct?

    1. DChiuch


      Read the article

      United States, United Kingdom & France

  2. Yeah, I swear though i'm just gonna snap when kingdom hearts 3 finally comes out! lol i just can't take it anymore...*jumps of balcony.*
  3. So i was strolling through facebook and i notice something on "Sarcastic Sora's" page, and here is what it said. "NEW Kingdom Hearts 3 TRAILER!!!!!!!! "With the PS4 out in Japan this week, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia will be putting on a launch event on February 21st, the company announced today. The event – which will begin at 22:30 Japan time – will feature a handful of notable guests including Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn producer/director Naoki Yoshida and Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III producer Shinji Hashimoto. As guest creators, they will be showing off the appeal of PlayStation 4 with gameplay exhibitions and video letters. Festivities will be livestreamed on both Ustream and Nico Nico with additional details forthcoming." don't know if it's true or not but here's hoping! tell me if you know or think it's true.
  4. I'm just curious, do you know if there is going to be kingdom hearts 2 final mix and kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix in the north american version of kingdom hearts hd 2.5 remix? *whispers to himself* "please say yes,please say yes."

    1. DChiuch


      Yes, there is.

    2. ThedoortoDarkness


      Thank you very much sir! :D

  5. i'm guessing if they're not talking about KH chi, maybe it's the development of KH HD 2.5 remix since BBS technically had online, so they're most likely talking about the re-mastered version on ps3. (online this time) I'm probably wrong though....
  6. Yeah it's going to be amazing especially because 2 final mix games and re:coded in glorious hd who could go wrong with that?
  7. It's worth buying kh 2 and the ps2, even if kh hd 2.5 remix might be coming out soon besides there's kh 2 and then there's kh 2 final mix which will most likely be on kh hd 2.5 remix so you'll know what its like for both of the games.
  8. Who likes sea-salt ice cream ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Weedanort


      I know xD


      But I'm lazy .-.

    3. ThedoortoDarkness
    4. ThedoortoDarkness


      xD just reach the mouse and keyboard xD
  9. Thanks everybody feel free to add me if you want Haha Thank you, Twilight Assassin, very appreciated. :DD Thank you Haha Thanks and am now Thanks ! Hey and sorry i'm not sure who that is Thank ya very much im happy to be in the craziness ! Ello ! Gracious c: :DD Hey and trust me i am Thank you, Thank you, hopefully i have haha ! Thanks trust me i will
  10. need anything to know about Kingdom Hearts ? need anything ? just ask me

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Skai


      The DTD had a Keyblade! Wtf >:O

    3. Weedanort



    4. ThedoortoDarkness
  11. ThedoortoDarkness

    Kh 2 Sora

    My kingdom Hearts 2 drawing of sora :DDD
  12. Can't wait till Kingdom Hearts hd 1.5 remix and hopefully kingdom hearts hd 2.5 remix soon :)

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