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Cruz Excahm

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Everything posted by Cruz Excahm

  1. who would acept making me a sketch of a certain character?

    1. ReikuSSR


      hah. I am quite busy, but I may have time between classes.

    2. Cruz Excahm

      Cruz Excahm

      Okey send u a PM again later sound ok?

    3. ReikuSSR


      yeah. I will be sure and do my best on it.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. some friend told me about this game and wanted to try it out of boredom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gnv9oDG6LSg Playing with Link. Playing with Samus. The game actually is very funny to play. Here is the Game if you wanna try: http://www.minijuegos.com/juego/super-mario-crossover
  3. La Papa Grande restaurant visit our local at Traverse Town before midnight for you own healt.

  4. ^Banned cuz cuz....cuz i forgot =/ BUT u still banned
  5. that has shining princess as tittle all around but uses Sora as avatar.... IS A TRAP! D: jk
  6. well could try DeviantArt hosting. as far as i know is unlimited and u can link the images when u want.
  7. I wonder why so much hate for those Twinlight movies i did like the story but didnt like the main protagonist actor tho.

    1. Kirie


      U shoud read the books they're so much better

    2. Snow


      because twilight sucks

  8. Hello! Made some stuff. -Pixelated/Sprited Chars: Two OCs from some friends and my OC (The Girl with the Cap). Resized x2 for better view. -SIgnatures (requests): Tried to make everything as was asked. Other Random Stuff: The original sketch of the girl isnty by me is just a scan from the manga which i rendered and cleaned for coloring purpouses.
  9. NoonSun2005 (Inverse world version of DawnStar2004)
  10. KH is the best fantasy semi-anime videogame like ever? i guess thats a good reason/
  11. No more Streak? Fell like not watching Wrestlemania anymore >:

    1. Silent


      Lesnar of all people. Smg

    2. Cruz Excahm

      Cruz Excahm

      I was actually expecting Daniel Bryan at WM31 to face him atleast but oh well not gona happen also NEVER gona see that Sting vs Undertaker dream match >,:

  12. ^Baned for not having a cool or cute signature
  13. Watching Wrestlemania 30 atm: Undertaker vs Lesnar

    1. TheKingdomkid


      I know it's the match I looked forward to the most getting goosebumps just watching the enterence

  14. Just messing Does this Card sounds broken?: http://prntscr.com/37m9ud

  15. hope they keep making movies like this cuz they aparently not gona change the anime in anyway soon.
  16. wathced One Piece again yesterday i gona say Arlong was the best Villain i have see so far.

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