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Cruz Excahm

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Everything posted by Cruz Excahm

  1. Draws are actually good the only problem as i see is the light of the room and the camera quality.
  2. Says a VS match u would like to see at Videogames.

    1. Cruz Excahm

      Cruz Excahm

      mine: Nightmare vs Sephiroth

    2. ReikuSSR


      Asmodeus VS Inori Orochi

    3. ReikuSSR



      dang typo

  3. hmmmm still usually watch those bloody documentaries about dinosaurs or actual wild life .
  4. SIgnature: "U cant rate me cuz iam a rotative signature" =/
  5. Baned for having less than 40 posts and for not using a signature
  6. True friends does piledtivers to each other.

  7. keep practicing man looks good as usual but later gona be even more awesome. Also cool Oni SHirt you are suing there man
  8. i like doing these Pixel/Sketch trades xD gives me some good stuff and keeps me doing what i like

  9. Being forced to work on sundays should be a high level crime.

  10. Sig: Kairi always looking cute regardless of the age.
  11. Baned for being a Spider Freak Super Saiyan 1011 that doesnt have pudding with him.
  12. Trying to buy a new laptop so far this is the best avalible at the store: http://prntscr.com/3awoox sounds good?

  13. Okey so online lessons to learn how to speak english got a 7.5 >: I have problems with words that have "H" "W" and "R" for the most time part.

  14. "Remember this oh God, when fighting strenght is equal, there is NO f*cking way you can beat the Devil!"

  15. Could u link that one? The one i play only have Link, Mario, Samus, Megaman and other two guys i havent tried.
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