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Kaelan Frey

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Everything posted by Kaelan Frey

  1. I tried to lv1 CM on BBS once, I got one-shot by the cat in Cinderella's world halfway through the fight. Never again did I touch that. Either way, I can breeze through Kingdom Hearts in Proud mode just fine, given that I fight every enemy that stands in my way so I won't get OHKO'd and I do the drive-recovery glitch every time I use drives or summons - don't ask me to do the extra challenges just as easily, though. I'm no Bizkit or TehRizzle, but I am not exactly DSPGaming either.
  2. I was gonna post an IGN link, but the info is so dodgy and everyone in the comments is calling out on the BS, so ye I think my wishful thinking got the best of me. woops
  3. Didn't Goofy's actor just finish his part? Considering his character's importance in the story, I doubt the others are too far behind.
  4. Sorry for the necrobump, but this is an incredible overstatement. I've played PC games for a very long time and the only digital distribution client that I use regularly (or that I "have to use") is Steam. I only use Origin for Battlefield 3 and whatever games they put up for free. I also just happen to have GTA IV on Direct2Drive, but it was a good deal at the time. Most of the games on uPlay are downloadable from Steam aswell, if I'm not mistaken. GTA IV is also downloadable from Steam. And why do we even need to use uPlay, you ask? (spoilered, 'cause dumb rant that I don't want to delete cause it sounds funny in retrospect) tldr I agree with you, but your statement was dangerously over-the-top on the wrong issue. Also +1 for KH3 on PC. Pls don't make me get a PS4 in 5 years only to play the game with the story already spoiled to shreds. Like one day I'll be on Youtube looking up Kingdom Hearts and suddenly a video thumbnail spoils Xehanort marrying Kairi or something - you know what I mean. But man, a PS4 in a few years with Plus is gonna be an incredible deal... I doubt Squeeeeeenix would dare do anything tho, after the disaster with FFXIII.
  5. I registered in this forum just to say I would absolutely buy a PS4 for KHIII. But since it's probably not coming out for the next 2 years, I have plenty of time to secure the cash I'll need for it. Who knows, maybe I could get some sweet deals on other games aswell. (and to think I bought a PS3 just last year. qq )
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