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About selenomancy

  • Birthday 11/02/1989

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  1. They all had their positives and negatives... Terra was too slow I felt, but his strength and HP was a definite bonus. Ven was too fast sometimes, though the speed could also be an advantage. And I'm a fan of dodge roll, hahaa. Aqua was my favourite to play as because magic~ And carthweel and barrier are unmatched as great defenses. The biggest downside is that she's the physically weakest and i kept getting owned in the beginning when playing on any level higher than standard, haha.
  2. New to the site You can call me Selene, I'm 23, European and have been into KH for only about 2 years. My first game was 358/2 days and it's also my favourite! I guess my favourite KH games list would go like this: 1. Days 2. BBS 3. DDD 4. KH2 5. KH1 6. Re:coded I haven't played Chain of Memories (or re:CoM) so I can't rank it:( Anyway, I'm not really much of a forum person normally, but I've been visiting this site a lot in the past so I figured it was just about time I made an account. Nice t'meet you all!
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