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Everything posted by No_Heart

  1. Is this the same program as Instacheck?
  2. Added you back, could you please tell me which ones I have?
  3. Pokémon X Name: Luis 3DS Name: Bryan Friend Code:1263-6355-8898 Safari Type: -?- Encounters: -?-
  4. I don't have a PS3. ( I just noticed that there isn't a "No, I have not enjoyed 1.5" option)
  5. I hope that you're right, just, I think they would of announced another sequel by now. :unsure:
  6. Yes, especially if it was a very good/emotional game that deserved another sequel. (I'm looking at you Golden Sun. <_<)
  7. I come here for the news. Because I have no friends or anyone to talk to .
  8. Looks like, my summer vacation is... over.

    1. Enmaa


      Been posted already.

    2. No_Heart


      Thank you for making me feel uncreative :(

  9. The only reason I'm buying a PS4 is for KH3. And Elder Scrolls Online
  10. Sheogorath must be so proud of him.
  11. I had heard Numb and In the End, but I didn't know who they were until 2 years ago. I now have around more than 100 of their songs and was going to go to a concert, but I ended up not being able to.
  12. There's actually been speculation on whose the champion. I saw this guy make a video in which he reasons that the professor is the champion, which kinda makes sense when you think, well Coro Coro mentions him having battles with the main protagonist. I don't feel like they would of mentioned it if we would of just of had normal battles, I feel like he could be like the last gym leader or an elite four member/champion.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA6gw-Yu6ME&feature=share&list=UU_tAq8S6QgTIJEJRd3NlBuw Although none of this is confirmed, what are your opinions on this new info?
  14. It's not that good, the graphics are amazing, put there is a lot of rules and regulations you have to abide to. Just stick to gaming, the outside is really a really weird, dangerous place.
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