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About CanonFodderKing

  • Birthday 07/06/1996

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  1. Err, I'd prefer ot to see all the princesss worlds. I don't mind Wonderland, but, while I haven't played BBS, some of the others don't seem all that interesting.
  2. ...? The Keyblade To People's Hearts isn't his dark keyblade, if anything it is a third party in and of itself(which may be getting a friend with the Keyblade To Return Hearts.) His Dark Keyblade was Soul Eater. Unless I've misunderstood what you mean by "Dark."
  3. Hmmm, I'll need to play Days and BBS before I can answer that question.
  4. Doesn't Sora already do that in every game with the keychains?
  5. I doubt we'll get another spin-off between now and KH3. Hopefully we'll get 2.5 first, but I'm not even sure about that. Baring REs, the pattern seems to be main game, plot-important spin-off, main game. (For this theory I'm counting BBS as a main game.) The obvious exception is REcoded, but I doubt they were planning on remaking a Japanese-only cell phone game to begin with.
  6. I hope so, that's exactly a week after my nineteenth birthday! And maybe that'll give me time to catch up with the series.
  7. Are you kidding? They are finally going to kill Xehanort! Sure, a few worlds will be lost- and maybe some allies too- but in a world where Death is Cheap and Kingdom Hearts can fix anything, you can bet this will have the most heartwarming ending ever... Up until the Secret Ending reveals who gonna try and kick Sora's teeth in next.
  8. Personally I think KH3 will be Sora's story (with a different character for the prologue maybe) but if I had to pick I'd say most worlds should be seperate with someworlds crossing over. If there are more than two "parties" then no world should be completely for one group, but there should be a bit more cross over. Ex: Group 1: World 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. G2: W1, 5, 7,4, 8. G3: W9, 3, 8, 3, 1,7.
  9. I could totally see a Kingdom Hearts world. Chances are that'll be where the final battle is. Barring that, the Realm of Darkness also seems probable.
  10. Sora kinda needs to be a little OP right now if we are to believe he can take down several former final bosses acting as a team(even if they don't fight together he still has to run the gauntlet). Riku will be in a similar range, no doubt. The only ones to be concerned for are Kairi and Lea. And seeing as Lea is a fan favorite... Yeah, Kairi might get kidnapped.
  11. I was just thinking that the Seekers are made up of versions of Xehanort and the people possessed by him, right? That means we have a lot of former final bosses coming our way. Looking at their backgrounds, Ansem SoD lasted three rounds changing form at least once not counting the Darkside or individual parts of World of Chaos, Xemnas takes at least three, maybe four rounds (haven't fought that one yet working off incomplete knowledge I got offline), haven't played BBS but I can't imagine the original went down without a fight especially when you consider the body swapping, Mysterious Figure is unbelievably hard from what I've heard, and then you have two Orginazation members. Combine that with the fact I fully expect Vanitas and possibly Rikuplika to make a return (both of whom were the reoccurring bosses of their own game, I believe the clone battled you at least six times altogether in RECoM) and you have a heck of alot of boss fight. So will we spend 45% of KH3 in boss fight or are these guys going to be remade into pushovers?
  12. Just to be clear I meant that they wouldn't return. Except maybe the City of Clocks or whatever it was called. Not sure why I'm singling that one out.
  13. Much as it pains me to say this I doubt this will happen as long as they stay the primary characters. This isn't because of Disney or Square or even the character's ages (well, not exactly), it's about relating to the main audience. Most of us on these forums, the adults and teens who love KH along with other anime and manga and videogames and movies which depict individuals in relationships and even have romantic relationships ourselves are, at the end of the day, a peripheral demographic. They want to market this game to kids, because they are part Disney, and kids arguable have an easier time relating to people who are not in an outright romantic relationship. Friends with obvious crushes on each other are more understandable and easier to tolerate. So no, I doubt we'll ever hear Sora say "I love you" or give Kairi a kiss. Unless Nomura changes his mind about Sora always being the main character, but we'll see. I could be wrong.
  14. Eh, it could still happen. Granted the original trio probably won't be involved (according to how I interpreted a few Nomura interviews), but who cares? Assuming they survive KH3 they'll be available in the present soon enough. All that need to happen are for questions to be brought up that BBS2 can answer.
  15. I'd like to see a usable Keyblade with the Heartless or Nobody symbols as keychains. Maybe youc ould collect them after you beat Ansem Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas respectively. Also, since Oblivion represents Sora's relationship with Riku, and Oathkeeper with Kairi, maybe Flurry of Dancing Flames (or whatever it's called) could be his Keyblade for Lea. Oh, and he'll probably wield the X-blade at some point, even if it is just a cutscene. Maybe it'll be usable post-game or in the sequels. Ooop! Almost forgot the Keyblade to People's Hearts. As a Kayblade that can turn some people into monsters, separate the heart from the body, and stand neutral between light and dark I feel this Keyblade has been underused. Plus since they are introducing a Keyblade to Return Hearts it only makes sense to reference it's opposite.
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