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Keyblade of despair

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Everything posted by Keyblade of despair

  1. Tgs on and I know right now there probably waking up and I know kh3 is delayed cause of ffxv so my question is there's still now new information for both kh3 and ffxv
  2. Tiki ended up in hollow bastion after destiny island was swalloed with darkness I mean riku
  3. You know how sora had to sacrifice himself to give kairi heart back so how is he gonna give vens heart back maybe sacrifices himself again I know aqua Is gonna wake up ven but how's he gonna get his heart back
  4. The hollow bastion world is unlocked but can't start go to it it's still undiscovered like the little ball
  5. I just finish the neverland world what next I already beat the second tournament so why the world hollow bastion isn't there
  6. I get out for a half a day 12:30 so I think I'm ok
  7. Wait um confused if u preorder a copy of kh 1.5 I won't get the art book Btw already preorder it
  8. Early development for sora when kh1 was in development
  9. Did anybody stop the video for he can not spoil the art book for us I did
  10. If you read the latest info there still haven't decided on picking world yet so don't expect much
  11. If you saw the cod tournament you'll know what I'm talking about btw only saw one episode and love battle field way better ok continueing What if they had a little tournament for 1.5 or 2.5 example Kingdom hearts 1.5 both players have kingdom key same abilities equip on and the boss is the secret boss and first one to finish wins and advances or in kh2 or almost announce kh2.5 the 1000 heartless battle first one to win advances Well how about it This is just a thought personally I deffinetly don't see this coming and don't want to see this coming even tho I just thought of it
  12. What was that song they used for the 358/2 in the trailer I live it
  13. http://www.examiner.com/article/kingdom-hearts-3-developer-working-on-exclusive-playstation-contents
  14. And what do you consider what will be a bad world in kh3 mine is a marvel world or starwars and the worst of all NO firetruckING HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL WORLD GOD NOOO
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