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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. How the hell are you so calm!? I would be screaming non stop. Jesus Christ what did Australia do to piss god off to send that!?
  2. I didn't know samwise made one with this pairing. Cool learn something new everyday
  3. Aw they're gone? That's the only thing that made her interesting......well....an endless void "right" there is interesting to a point.
  4. I know this prolly has been talked about but whatever, don't care. As we all (should) know xehanort and his lackeys will hopefully be taking a hike after kh3. (I hope) And there will be a next saga, sooooo, what kind of villian would you like? Me myself I would like a woman as the next big thing, and as someone else said, one who uses the light as the weapon. IMO it would be interesting maybe she would want all darkness gone so she used the light to try to destroy everyone who sides with it and stuff. I could go on but I'm sure you see my overall point and stuff. So recap, next villain. What would you like and your ideas?
  5. so my sisters boyfriend got caught in this trap i made and now he wants my blood. whelp

  6. Hm, hard. All three of these are normal to everyone. So not on this list, but my mother dying is what I fear the absolute most.
  7. PFFFT what do they know, they're just a bunch of rotting potatoes
  8. *snorts* anyway, ive noticed and im guessing its just nomuras ever slightly changing art style,
  9. Well it is a video game and not a movie so it doesn't bother me much. Personally i think the voice suits each character in their own way.
  10. so my mom went to 3 different gamestops (after some begging and she loves me) to get super smash bros and none of them has it. way to go its sold out and wont be back in stock till next week. yay me _._

    1. Shulk


      If you have enough space on an SD card, you could get it through the eShop.

    2. Ceriraye


      tru tru, but i usually prefer the hard copy more than the latter. but i may just going to need to suck it up.

    3. Shulk


      I know how that is, I'm the same way. :/ I might have to do the same thing when the Wii U version of Smash Bros and Pokemon OR are released, since I don't want to deal with going to Gamestop on Black Friday.


      Either way, the game's definitely worth it! :D

  11. Never, something bad always happens to masters....well shit. In all seriousness, next saga
  12. Guys, really?

    1. Aru Akise
    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Woah, can I just say that you have an extremely awesome profile pic.

  13. I called it. Remember I tots called it. Ok aside, yeah maybe a rhythm game of some sort, maybe like that final fantasy music game. (I know the name I just can't spell it heh) but with her songs....or an fighting game? Hmm...
  14. parallel parking is hard, i spent all yesterday trying to do that bullshit

  15. oh...so the dishwasher is not the right way.....whelp. the more you know
  16. I've noticed, sadly it's the world we live in. Women in everything and in real life always get reduced to objects of some sort. I hardly see anyone treat any woman with respect. Shitty really. But anyway, most of the girls in the series (kairi most of all) hasnt been repected by the writers and creators themselves. As I stand on what you call "a kairi hater" I'll do what do best. Kairi hadn't had much screen time. Yeah she does do some stuff, but shes hardly ever on screen and it kinda over shadows it the stuff she has done. You have to look deep and read the manga and shit to find an actual character it's not just right in your face like the other three girls. Now with xion, tbh the only hate I see about her is that she's a Mary Sue and gets in the way of the fandoms most popular ship, akuroku. And that's bull. Last time I checked Mary Sue ment someone who perfect all around, someone who everyone likes, someone who's beyond pretty. Trust me xion is not perf. In canon she had many flaws. I'm not gonna touch that because I don't feel like doing all that. But xion is not useless, I can make a list but I'm lazy. Namine, yeah namine is kinda selfish. But she was forced. Most things I seen that shits on namineis the things she has done in com and not after. Ppl remember the bad she's done an not the good. Aqua. Now I don't even get it, yeah aqua is a babysitter the mom yeah. But no one says nothing about that from what I see. It's always about her boobs and body and shit. And tbh I hate it so much. I love aqua with the life of me. I hate hate hate when people reduce her to like....that. Aqua has done a lot and will do a lot. In my eyes with aqua it's just people making her their fap shit. Which I'll say again I firetruckING HATE. Excuse any grammer and spelling, my brain isn't awake yet.
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