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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. Today's the day, I can't wait till GameStop opens

  2. AHHHHHHH I CANT WITH MY HYPE, THE NEWS IS SO SMALL BUT SO AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE. ahem, i cant wait to see with my own eyes
  3. Amazing, and you guys are just experiencing that wonderful stuff. Amazing. And those are my most favorite flavor btw (for my unwanted input)
  4. lets hope, kairi has been negleted ever so much in the games. hopefully that would change soon. i dont have hopes for her in kh3 but the next saga for sure...and i think we are getting a bit off topic heh
  5. yeah totally, expand kairis character first then her relationship with sora. so its well written all around like sora and rikus characters and relationship, and stuff
  6. yeah i see, and sora and kairi has been being shoved in everyones faces forcefully for a some time, i personally dont like it at all, imo it seems kinda shallow and forced in kh2 and after. Anyway, i kinda want no one together so that pairings are just open for everyone to do what they want with them.
  7. now i see where you are coming from, you see them as brothers and others like to see them as more. me myself i see them as both. thoughout the whole series sora and riku do share as one would say a bond like no other the strongest like it was stated in DDD. and looking at DDD, coded and ect. can you really blame people for seeing them as more? sorry for butting in. heh
  8. personal thing, have more faith in square than disney idk tho
  9. Nah, i hate to say (and sora and riku are already so well devloped in relationship it wont be hard to move the bar up at all) but if it was square alone maybe just maybe. But disney has a say so too its either hetero no notero. but i highly doubt anything will be canon, kh is about friendship not romance. leave that for the disney couples.
  10. Fall out boy, kidding (kinda) I don't even know at this point really. I guess I'm mutual to most if not all at this point.
  11. you can like and dislike a ship/character whatever as you please and you shouldn’t be a total jackass if someone doesn’t like your ship/character. It's not hard to let people do what they want. so do go to someone and be like "oh that won't happen because blah blah blah." Nobody cares. Only you. Shut up. You're annoying. And people like that are mostly the reason why people grow to hate certion things. Cops are still jackasses and useless (I want to start calling them the Kkk in black or blue) Get with the firetrucking times. It's 2014 almost 2015, get your head out of the 1950-1960s Equal rights aren't hard. You are a person, I'm a person. it should be equal it is not rocket science. I live for the interaction between sora and riku, it's so well written and I just love it so much I can gush about their relationship for hours Music now a days are nothing but noises about sex drugs partying and money. It's gross Did I say that having equal rights isn't hard? Well it's not people are just being dumbasses if they think otherwise (Ignore errors it's 4am)
  12. So hard really, but the fights between sora and riku maybe? Or axel and roxas fight? Hm....ok yeah vanitas and aquas fight in Neverland....I think....
  13. Well nort gets defeated then a Clift hanger that shows the new villain of the next saga. And Maybe a teaser? Hm idk really
  14. We all are scared of something happening in kh. The story, the gameplay, or plain out series. What do you not want to happen or just plain scared of happening in kingdom hearts? Me myself, I'm scared of kh getting a naruto ending. Like everyone is happy and married with lots of babies and ruined development It ends without a solid ending, like it ends but there are still questions that still needs to be answered. And I'm sure there's more I have but these are the ones that came to mind. But so Your fears and unwants and stuff. Do you have any? What are they? And I know that the series is a long way from ending but hey, why not make a thread about it anyway.
  15. I'm really feeling that you stop feeling it
  16. Frankly I've grown to dislike most religious people. The ones I'm always exposed to are huge racist, homophobic and other kind of jackasses. So people and religion are meh to me.
  17. 1) Who are you? 15 almost 16 black girl who sadly lives in America and goes by the name ray 2) What motivates you? The right amount of sleep 3)Do you have any dreams? If so, what are they? To become someone who makes something worth wild or great or something of that sort. 4) Why are they your dreams? The world is horrid and one great thing can spark something even greater if hit right 5) How do you plan to accomplish them? No clue, ima just go with the flow and see what happens and what I could do
  18. Early 2000s for some 1960s for others and man, people are awesome huh
  19. Nudity is meh for me, it's normal and it's the human body. It's humain, but latey people made nudity=Sex or something sexual which they are NOT. People think that nude is gross and shouldn't be seen, yeah to a point that's true but people shouldn't be sheltered about their own body. Idk if my opinion is clear as glass but meh.
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