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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. I really need to update this about me thingy. Note to self to do it later

  2. yes good, now i can dislike every stupid post one of my FB friends makes, yes yes. very good. much happy
  3. Since I never played either before beginner. just to see how it is. Then ima do proud next run though
  4. I just realized that around this time last year, I was just starting to get back into kh. Ah memories

  5. ok cool thats awesome, ill buy it. but think about this, kingdom hearts theatrhythm. eh? eh?
  6. j-jesus way too soon, way very too soon
  7. kh2 is so fun holy hell.

    1. RoxSox


      It's quite fantastic.

  8. homophobia isnt a good word to mean what it means, like acracnaphobia (or however you spell the damn word) is a great fear of spiders. homophobia/homophobic doesnt mean its fear or your scared of them it means your an asshole who doesnt want someone to be happy in love with someone even if they have the same genitals
  9. Whats the point of angel wings tho....well whatever cant wait to see what time brings
  10. I'm conflicted, I agree with this so much but I'd really fancy a pixie hollow world. I'm so so conflicted.
  11. Since there is a chance that we will get a few new original characters in kh3...What do you think about it? Do you want new people? Why or why not
  12. Both. Kidding. If I remember right he compared his younger years to sora, full of light and enjoyment and adventures but now he feels more like xehanort, old and wary and tired. maybe he doesn't move as fast as he use to. So I guess it's his way to say that "I'm getting old and I want a adventure to be young or feel young" maybe. Don't quote me on anything tho
  13. The more I see the more it seems that time is going back into the 1950s. Christ grandparents and parents protested and tried to stop this shit back then so we don't have to do it or deal with it now. It's sad really.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Really? I always thought that time stayed in the 90s for me, and I was only 4 when it ended.

  14. Honest to god I hope nothing becomes "a canon thing" shippers fight over every little thing and then refuse to let someone see something else as what they please
  15. Since no one knows for sure yet, idk. And I don't care I just want vanitas
  16. Yep ain't it awesome? Even if it is data versions they are pretty much copies of the real thing. (And if I remember they have pretty much all if not most of the real ones memories) but yeah it's such a great thing and it really does show the friendship between the two. I really like how recoded and DDD kinda shows why they are friends and more and what not.
  17. I'm not all that bothered if it's in kh3 tbh. I think the only think I don't want is the marvel and Star Wars fanbase to flock. That's gonna be a whole new stupid we are gonna have to deal with.
  18. Sweet- so I guess ima be buying the game again once it comes out for ps4....well I mean if.
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