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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. I tent to Avoid horror games at all costs but I did get scared in this labyrinth in persona q heh
  2. I would rather they focus on the more important stuff and keep the friendship theme kh is meant to be about. Or atleast make kairi not so damn boring and remove her role as a sexy lamp More the latter
  3. Now I can finally say it. Happy new year. The year of xion is over and now the year of all those OCs that were named number 15 (or something anyway yeah) is among us

  4. I'm starting to feel left out. Everyone is already in 2015 and here I am, still having like.... 3 more hours to go.

  5. PFFFT must be nice in the future, I'll be there in like.....7 hours
  6. Him behaving like vanitas suits my fancy but if he get norted by nort. maybe to most likely he will act, well you know, like xehanort
  7. Mostly Xmas for me, is about spending time with family and friends and giving gifts to those you care for. Christmas was never about a religion to me. So yeah I do, but not the way the rest of my family does. If that makes sense.
  8. I'm sure every kind of couple will have sexual innuendos regardless of anything.
  9. Sexual? It's not like they banged or something on screen. There was nothing sexual about it. And in there are way more "sexual" stuff in other shows and whatnot. Let me guess let's say if mako and korra had a full make out that's not sexual right? Okay so korra and asami held hands, super sexual, R rated no no. Correct?
  10. Honestly? Tell me what you watch because if bi people are finally coming into the media and shows I'm clearly watching the wrong things.And I misread, excuse the mobile typer. But anyway, IMO there are plenty of brother like sister like friendships, ya know between two girls or two boys; But never between a boy/girl. But if I'm missing your point which is sexual or romantic relationships are in everything now a days then yes, I agree with that completely. Always between a boy and girl.Had to go back and edit. Way too many errors haha
  11. But there are hardly anyone bi or gay or anything other than straight in tv shows and games. I could counter that sora riku kairi thing but meh. My point tho, why can't we have a same sex romantic relationship? Boy/girl couples are always there a few same sex ones won't hurt anybody
  12. In my opinion it seem that it was building up from book two and all the way up. It doesn't feel forced at all to me, it feels like a natural growth from friends to lovers
  13. 3 more days till my birthday. Yaaaaaaay me I'm sooo pumped. Wooooo hoo.

    1. Stray Reaper

      Stray Reaper

      That is like saying you are a day from retirement

    2. Ceriraye


      I wish. Retirement from highschool, oh the glory

  14. Well everyone's default keyblades are a given, (including oathkeeper and oblivion) Oh and the ultimate, speaking...... I wonder what it will look like this time around.
  15. okay well come on, what were they thinking making a movie about killing the leader of NORTH KOREA. shit was bound to hit the fan.
  16. I started with ff13, I plan to play ffx later. I guess just start where ever you want.
  17. It pretty much a given fact that we will play as riku. But I'm down with Mickey too, it will be interesting.
  18. Depends on what. But over all nah kh is Disneys and squares love child, and either Star Wars and marvel will babysit from time to time. And im good with that
  19. The manga is okay. gives me a good laugh or chuckle from time to time, honestly one thing the manga does better than the game is characterize kairi. Well to a point. The art is a lot better than what I've seen before and the story is cut pretty short, like someone said reading the manga alone won't give the full story. Even if the thing isn't canon it could be a wee bit better.
  20. yes yes yes i would love for vanitas to come back, and since hes seen in DDD it would be dumb to show him if hes not gonna play some kind of role
  21. Honestly who gives so much homework on finals week. It's like they just want me to explode

    1. Xiro


      That was me last week. So much work >< And I still have to deal with exams

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