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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. This makes me think that if xehanorts backup to backup plan of trying to get sora in DDD was just not him trying to get him in the "seekers club" then and there, but to also pin point another mark in time where "he" once was.... Anyway, I have no clue how it works. I'm just wondering how he time traveled in the first place.
  2. I want some pizza. But I have no money for pizza. _._ I would ask mom but she's pissy at me........ *whines*

    1. Kodakliv


      Lol nah I was just messing around with u!

    2. Ceriraye


      I kinda saw that coming _._


    3. Kodakliv


      Haha sorry!

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  3. That moment when your English teacher casually street passes you and the last game they played was dream drop distance.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Cool teacher. I never knew anyone at my school to be like that, they all seem to know little about video games, and then there is my own mother who works in my old High School as an EA and she only knows how to play mobile games and classic arcade games, Pac-Man

    2. Shulk


      My Math teacher last year brought a giant stuffed Turtwig to class once. xD

    3. Moochieh32
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  4. I haven't realized how much I like twilight towns theme song thingy until I been suck in it for hours. I finally beat Vexen though. (I'm stuck on his second battle now, but anyway) twilight town for the win

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      Oh, Re:CoM, right? If so, I can only suggest fire slights as help.

  5. *blinks* I don't have the right words in my vocabulary to truely describe how I feel about this. but a starting point would be mildly uncomfortable and somewhat amused.
  6. Yeah we have to pay, like others said. It seems like in order to get into a good one you need to start saving from the day you are born. Other stuff (to a lot of stuff) is wonky in the education system as well
  7. I swear if riku gets killed off... Please no. But anyway, the nort army and terra has my vote
  8. *cough cough vanitas even tho the novels aren't all that canon but still cough cough* Roxas, I mean like after everything but then there's ven... It's between those two for me. *cough cough with vanitas cough cough*
  9. Alright I'm up at 6am and ready to achieve nothing today. Bring on the friday

    1. Jake


      Normally it would be, TGIF. but its summer so its like saturday everyday lol. gg summer, gg

    2. WakingDawn96


      I've been having summer ever since December when I graduated High School, except for the time when I had to walk in May and did class night

  10. Hardly any screen time? The way I see it is that, square just kinda shoves her aside after her part was over, (ie moving a slow part of the plot) I didn't see much character personality change from 1 to 2 (maybe she became more mature but idk I hardly pay any attention to her) but likewise, I see her most as a underdeveloped character but a perfectly developed plot device. personally, I don't think that will change in three; IMO I think they just gave her a keyblade so it would be logical for a plot device to hang around until it's part is played. I would be really surprised if she moves from plot device to actual character in three.
  11. Beloveded laptop is Beloveded

  12. What "exactly" "is" playstation now...

    1. Sora96


      A streaming service that allows you to play PS3, PS2 and PS1 games on most Sony devices.

    2. Ceriraye


      Ooooohh. Sweet

  13. Awwwwww what happened!?

  14. Uh....... Ew..... No thank you...... Throw that away please
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