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Everything posted by Ceriraye

  1. Nah just wait till better games come out. Then the ps4 will be at its prime
  2. Ahh I'm finally free, about damn time

  3. Vanitas, the novels shape him out much more than the games do. But shortly I can relate to what he's been though what he feels and why he acts the way he does.
  4. I'm down with ever ship except sokai. But mainly Soriku Terra/Aqua Roxas/xion Axel/saix or Lea/isa And ect ect ect. Endless ship possiblties, and I'm most likely okay with every one of them. Except sokai because firetrucking no.
  5. Highly doubtful sora would even do that. That's way out of his character.
  6. I'm kinda starting to warm up to kairi. Went from "she's useless, boring and stupid, she should just get outta here" to "she's still boring and as deep as a puddle but make that puddle as deep as a kiddie pool then let's talk. aka give her development and make her interesting then maybe, I'll care" I hate went adults say when I was in school "blah blah blah" like yeah sure shut the firetruck up u giant dust bunny, school and the world is a lot different than when you were my age. That new law in...Indiana It was? (I forget which state it was) Is pure bullshit and borderline segregation. IMO. Seperation of town and church please. The above reason is why I'm wary of Christians. Republicans ruin everything I hope Obama runs for a 3rd term and congress stop being assholes and let him fix this shit place which they let get firetrucked up.
  7. My family are hard core Christians, so ye they do. But im just in it for the food
  8. Then they where. Maybe different voice actors. I don't think anything would change
  9. Yes as soon as I get the money you can bet your sweet bibbity I will
  10. Aqua seems the most easiest to get first. Then ventus then terra near the end of the game
  11. America may be total shit but, I can't think of anywhere else. This shithole is my home and I'm somewhat okay with living in it. Somewhat.....or puerto Rico would be nice but first point
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