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Everything posted by Spacecop

  1. Ok figured it out plug it in then go to Disk Management. Now look at the bottom section of disk management for Unallocated Space right click that and then click new simple volume.
  2. have you tried reformatting it in disk management?
  3. If you're transferring large files with your external you need to format with ntfs if your on windows, mac os extended for mac. Fat can only transfer 4gb files at a time. Try reformatting it again and see what happens. I would recommend any western digital external but they are pricey.
  4. It depends on what you are going to do with it like gaming or just surfing the web. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Toshiba+-+Satellite+15.6%26%2334%3B+Laptop+-+4GB+Memory+-+500GB+Hard+Drive+-+Satin+Black/1617775.p?id=1219057249722&skuId=1617775#tab=specifications This is a decent laptop I could find from best buy if your just going to search the web and do non stressing things to your laptop but its toshiba which some say are not that good of a company. Personally I think toshiba is a great laptop manufacturer. Some of the other laptops I found were from asus but had no cd drive which I am assuming you would like to have. If you want a gaming laptop you are going to have to pay much much more for one.
  5. I preorder from amazon but took the normal shipping time. Says it should be here by friday.
  6. This cannot be unseen.... Sora wore a onesie that whole time?
  7. Started with KH 1 and will always prefer it over any other Kingdom Hearts game, so much nostalgia!
  8. I never cry during movies or games. But one thing that did make me teary eyed was a scene in the Justice League Unlimited series the Epilouge episode where batman rather then killing ace stays with her in her dieing moments.
  9. I think its a combination of Little Big Planet meets Toy Story 3 the game.
  10. Its just a random drawing and if that random drawing picks lets say kingdom hearts and you are really unsatisfied that it picked it then disney infinity is what you want. Its just a trick to show what you really want.
  11. Go to a random drawing website. Type Kindom Hearts in and then Disney Infinity and just roll it. If one comes up and you are really unsatisfied then the other is your true choice.
  12. Well it wont be a long term injury since there will be another kingom hearts chronicle afterwards with Sora being the main protaginist again.
  13. I hardly believe that these graphics and all the features will run smoothly on current gen hardware.
  14. Thats the thing there has been speculation of her being fake most of witch is her not being the one playing the game while just using the mic to talk and say her brother is the one getting the gameplay.
  15. The reason why people laugh and make fun of the Wii U is because they think compared to the new ps4/xbox 1 and current ps3/360 it is a low hardware peice of s**t and its basically a Wii with minor upgrades.
  16. I defenitley dont relax with games, most agrravate me. Tv is something that you dont really get into and yell at the screen because of one flaw.
  17. I dont see any cons in 1.5 at all. The fish faces are bad but reminds me of the good days back on ps2. I would rather have it then not.
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