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Everything posted by ZOBLIVION

  1. Kingdom Hearts will turn against Xehanort after an epic battle just as he had reached it.
  2. Well... Not really hate... I just wasn't all that impressed. Of course It's still in very early development. And the graphics were awesome.
  3. I don't think they'll do that. They're gonna be lazy and just add the HD.
  4. OMG, that would be so cool! I love xiii-2! (Not the ending though)
  5. Thanks from sparing me from writing all of this!
  6. Oh yes... The Ruler of the Sky.... My worst nightmare.
  7. Ok, maybe you're right. That merging thing is actually a pretty good idea.
  8. I think she could, but she really doesn't seem to like fighting. Not even to save her friends.
  9. They never show us more than a couple of trailers, and about 10 seconds of gameplay at max.
  10. Yeah, Ansem could probably pull that of. Or maybe he will betray them to get closer to Riku and possess him. So far it has seemed to me that he doesn't really care about Xehanort's plans that much. But he HAS been running after Riku a lot. Maybe he will even save Riku's life?
  11. Kairi. Sounds like something they would do to create an emotional scene near the end.
  12. I know one guy from my school, plus my sister.
  13. Most people don't block, but I've started blocking after Days, (It's such a lifesaver in it) so I'll just put KH2 summons in there. They are all SO useless, that It's not even funny. At least you could use Tinkerbell in kh1...
  14. Chain of Memories of course. Since it NEVER CAME TO FINLAND! (well, it didn't come to Europe, but that's even worse)
  15. Just one really long story line for me! I don't want to repeat the same worlds, and beat the same bosses, and learn more or less the same abilities over and over with only slight differences. Just add it all to a one huge story, and I'll be happy.
  16. Just Sora. I don't want to repeat the same worlds over and over again, or have really short stories for each character.
  17. I had no problems with the camera in any of the games, but I can see where you're coming from with KH1. It could have been better.
  18. I liked the Days multiplayer, but it really wasn't made to it's fullest potential. I want too see an improved version in KH3
  19. I don't care as long as Xehanort saga stays untouched. But hopefully they'll not spoil the series.
  20. I wouldn't want to hear about the story, but I'd like some gameplay.
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