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Everything posted by ZOBLIVION

  1. I've beaten VII and XIII-2 and played VI, XIII, and Lightning Returns is arriving in a couple of days.
  2. I like KH as a series a bit more, but I can't between FFVII and KHII they both are my best games ever.
  3. Actually they were not, I'm pretty sure. I looked it up, and it would seem it was actually called episode IV from the very beginning.
  4. The first FFXIII game wasn't all that great. Average, if I had to rate it. XIII-2 though... It took all that was good in XIII, and brought it in and open world, and added some nice new features like side quests and monsters that you can get in your party. They also made the leveling system better.
  5. I personally love FFVII. I also love XIII-2. And VI. FFX also looks interesting, might give it a shot. And I'll absolutely buy FFXV. I love all FF games, and I feel like I can't really compare them, since every single one is kinda unique. FFVII is overrated, but by the nine divines NOT bad. FFVI is a bit overrated too, but I rarely see anyone calling it bad. The modern FF games like XIII are instantly assumed bad without playing them, which I think is the biggest crime of all. Yes, they do have their problems, but man did I love XIII-2. Final fantasy fanbase should stop being douches to each other and TRY the games for once, and review them without assuming that the game is bad just because someone else said they are. And if in the end they still don't like the game, they could at least stop coming to the forums and youtube videos just to rage, and call anyone who likes the game idiots.
  6. I've been thinking about buying it, but the thought of playing under a constant time limit seems really harsh. I'd constantly be wondering how much time I have left, and couldn't get myself to bother with the side quests. So I wanna hear if the time limit is actually as bad as I think it is. How easy is it to run out of time?
  7. I couldn't get myself to NOT watch it. It could be really bad, but I'd just have to see it.
  8. Reminds me of my fight against Vexen #2. If that Donald card wouldn't have showed up.... I just about managed to stardust blitz him.
  9. People are going to rage, but I LOVE Final Fantasy VII. It and KHII are my favorite games of all time.
  10. A thing that made me "like" him, was how much I hated him. I wanted to kill him so much. I wouldn't mind. A super boss maybe.
  11. I think I screamed really loudly after staring at my computer screen for about 10 seconds.
  12. Nah, probably not. I've no rush. As long as I get ps4 by the time ffxv or kh3 comes out I'll be fine.
  13. Honestly.. I really like CoM. Well, It's combat system at least. Gotta pick that one.
  14. Sora and Marluxia I guess. Edit: Sorry, I didn't notice that Sora wasn't an option.
  15. Absolutely Sora. I can't be anyone else for me after what he did in KH2.
  16. Maybe inside the city parts of worlds, like they did with Traverse town, (KH) Twilight town, (KH2) and Hollow bastion. (KH2) They would just need to make those parts of the worlds bigger. I can understand that they can't do It in every world, wonderland for example, 'cause there really weren't any big cities in wonderland in the movies or the games. (I can't remember for sure though, the movie was really creepy, so I couldn't watch it from the beginning to the end as a child.).
  17. Nah, he was going all out in KH2, but even he couldn't beat two keyblade wielders, especially when the two have some pretty incredible teamwork going on.
  18. Up, up, down. Yeah, I'd love to have the option of doing so.
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