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Everything posted by Tigerruss

  1. You were breast fed, weren't you?Also why did you stop saying "drink that vodka" in your sig?
  2. My opinion on every door. Narnia could be fun depending on the time I entered. Though canonically....I don't think there is a Narnia anymore.... Hogwarts would definitely be a great place to become more powerful and learn secrets. But just opening their door doesn't mean your accepted into their school... Wonderland could be a nice place to visit, BUT I would fear for my head too much to go there. Camelot...in reality they would be speaking a version of English (if not another language) that probably only vaguely resembles modern English... I guess if I overcame the language barrier (or if it was magically accounted for) I could attempt to become a scholar or a magicians apprentice. It probably would be easier than start training to be a knight, and more favorable than being a peasant. Neverland depends on if it is the Disney or the original version. I believe in the original version only Peter Pan didn't age there... So...even though there is some cool things there, and potentially flight, the biggest draw to it might be not there. Westeros, I don't know anything about game of thrones, so I wouldn't care to visit it. Middle Earth, sure if I am visiting it during a time of peace. Hyrule, I have some how managed not to play a Zelda game...so no opinion on it. Mushroom Kingdom, this could actually be a fun place to visit, especially with extra life mushrooms. 221B Baker St., I would not want to have to enter that door... It would mean that I have a case for Sherlock Holmes, and if I didn't have a case for him... I would just be wasting his time and depending on his mood I might get yelled at. Dumbledoor....That pun.... The Tardis, it could be fun to travel through time running from things trying to harm you. Order of preference: Tardis Hogwarts Mushroom Kingdom Neverland Narnia Camelot Wonderland Middle Earth Hyrule Westeros 221B Baker St. Dumbledoor
  3. Uh oh... it looks like Scotland is marked with an X. Xehanort is watching his every move! And firefox spellchecker suggests "Northern" instead of Xehanort. D:
  4. That's a whole lot of trigonometry crammed into a relatively small space. I actually think the first one looks cool.
  5. As someone makes a slender knock off with a bloodied Anti-form Sora.
  6. He just wants to give the Moogle a great big smile.
  7. Third line a bit long 1 1 1 1 1Why would you do that Cucco 1 1 1 1 1 2 At least learn the rules 1 1 1 1 1575(I am just showing my count since you called me out on it, and because you stated you had to use an online syllable counter.)Though good job on doing a haiku in the language they were designed for.edit: oops I misread your message.... I will edit again.Edit: He had #haiku on the third line, which would add at least 2 syllables. Though now looking at it again, if I didn't count the #haiku, he actually had the proper form.I AM TWELVE YEARS OLD1 1 1 1 1I LIKE TO PLAY X BOX LIVE1 1 1 1 1 1 1I SHOULD KILL MYSELF1 1 1 2575
  8. Third line a bit longWhy would you do that CuccoAt least learn the rules
  9. Hmm, I can easily see it as a man doing a situp instead.
  10. X is a variable, variables are first introduced in algebra....So it is probably algebra and not mathematics as a whole.That being said since X is just a variable you can actually replace X with any other letter and have the same answer, only with that letter instead. The real reason why X is used so often is because some people writing some early text books with variables in it chose to use X because it was one of the least used letters for printing. And since it was one of the least used letters, it was also one of the cheapest letters to use.
  11. *uses valley girl voice* Like that's totally not true. Sora, Donald, and Goofy don't have like yellow eyes. Duh!
  12. Hmm, sounds pretty accurate. And if we consider Xion as one of those who bought wares, for Roxas to survive Xion had to die. And Roxas is part of Sora.... So Sora really is bad for business!
  13. I was expecting something like this, but I never imagined it would be meow-wow's.
  14. I feel like I am missing a disturbing innuendo...
  15. I summon Riku to the witness stand.Did Sora, Donald, and Goofy kill all the Organization members, and how are you sure?
  16. My opinion it is more so a video about what would happen if the cookie monster went on a rampage than a bashing of the power rangers. That being said, I didn't really enjoy watching cookie monster going on a rampage.Also, those rangers really shouldn't have summoned their zord, that's when they started to lose! And evidently you just are in a toy zord if the monster you are fighting didn't get supersized.
  17. So I was messing around with the order of the letters in Kingdom Hearts Three, and this message appeared. "Dark Me Thirteen Gosh" And what characters says gosh? Mickey Mouse and Goofy too, that's who. I am not saying that this confirms Mickey and/or Goofy for one of the XIII Darknesses, I am just saying DARK ME THIRTEEN GOSH!
  18. It has been so long since I have heard of that book series.
  19. It would really depend on what they could press with their digivices, but that would be like saying pulling the trigger of a gun is killing someone with just a finger.Hmm I thought pikachu used his full body and launched it basically through his cheeks, but i could be wrong. Though either way I forgot the possibility of him using electricity with his fingers. (assuming he officially has a finger)
  20. People, people, people..... Sora never specified when.
  21. Correction...Xehanort is a Shrek.
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