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Everything posted by Tigerruss

  1. Uh oh, the lego pit was also a kitten pit. And Axel is probably going to get all fired up before dieing. 0_0
  2. Am I you, are you me, or am I just disguised as you?
  3. This site's april fool's day prank...

    1. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      I haven't noticed it yet... I remember one year, we had the "Imposter" joke and the other, the Glasses and Nose thing... I can't see what's wrong this time.

    2. Tigerruss


      Sadly it is on a first post of the page basis and not by topic.

  4. Using the many worlds idea... Time travel is largly pointless. Sure you can experience another world, but it isn't YOUR world. And since you didn't grant free travel back to your own world... well you basically just abandoned everyone you ever knew just so you could travel through time. (even going back to the present, wouldn't be going back to YOUR present.) So no, I would not travel in time using the many worlds hypothesis, unless if I am guaranteed coming back to MY world.If I was guaranteed a trip back into my time, I would actually go back in time and witness historic and religious events for myself to see what REALLY happened.As for the time travel where paradoxes become an issue? Well... honestly it is too dangerous to travel backwards and forwards into time. (probably just inhaling and exhaling 5000 years ago would change a lot in the present.) But it would still be tempting to try to change the past...
  5. Phew! I am glad I am an adult with no lolis or shotas to protect.
  6. Tell her that Aqua reserves slitting throats with her fancy footwear for the baddest of the bad.
  7. It is a type of whine. Like wah. Usually heard those who are in kindergarten or younger.
  8. In my opinion, at MOST it is going to be as important as CoM, Coded, or Days. It might explain some whys, but we won't need those whys.
  9. I wonder if they would have a Song of the South world.... I like some of the songs from there, but...
  10. I read this quote and thought it would be perfect for this thread."Illiterate men can contemplate in the lines of a picture what they cannot learn by means of the written word."~Pope Gregory IThis reminds me of looking at raw mangas for the first time.
  11. And knowing a programmer's luck, it is going to be in an area with lots and lots of brackets. For that reason some people recommend creating BOTH the opening and closing bracket at the same time.
  12. The internets revealed to me that she is Seara August from I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job.Edit:I made a mistake with my look up it was Elsa Crucial from the same show. D:
  13. Oathkeepers, and sadly we made an oath to wait for KH3.
  14. Am I the only one that thought he was treating Sora like a pet? Where the owner say's "WHO'S A CUTE DOG!??!" "YOU ARE!"
  15. I know it is random.But I always thought of Namine as Sora and Kairi's child, while Roxas is Sora and Ven's child, and Xion is just a clone of Sora that shape shifted. 0_0
  16. And all those who ship it, act like you are Tatsumi and they are Mine in your sig.
  17. For some reason blue/gold is a minority. And I am not sure why. Because to me the dress was obviously blue, there was no doubt about that, but in that lighting the black really looked gold.http://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/this-might-explain-why-that-dress-looks-blue-and-black-and-w#.voWjLxq2vHas a compilation of stuff, and near the bottom they show the original poster of the dress giving a picture of them wearing the dress. It is much easier to see the colors there.
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