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Everything posted by Tigerruss

  1. You do know that there are spoiler tags, right? Anyways I didn't think the ending of the Chronicles of Narnia was that dark. I mean yes what you said happened. Though I feel like it was supposed to be a slight bit of a bittersweet ending, though I do feel like the last book could have done with being longer.As others have said some of it is to build up tension, and some of it is to grow up with the kids. Because the older the kid is the more likely they are going to able to handle something "dark". And you can use a book getting "dark" to teach a lesson to those willing to listen.
  2. This reminds me of the first time I remember having an Advil liquid gel (a type of Ibuprofen... for some reason I think I had hypomania as a side effect to it. Though months later when I decided to take one for pain again, I didn't have that reaction. (though I did have an unusual reaction) And even more recently when I took it for pain, I had no noticeable side effects.
  3. I am pretty sure it was due to Walden Media changing their policies of what type of media to produce.(not all businesses act like businesses) But if you really want to know go use google and find it out.
  4. Not all the books have "this happens x years after the previous book" so it can be left up to speculation.Though part of the reason there isn't actually a 4th movie yet, is because Walden Media's rights to make CoN movies expired in 2011. And basically due to legal issues the next CoN film MIGHT not be released until 2018. That being said CoN: The Silver Chair's screenplay is getting written (if it isn't further along than that).
  5. I guess I am just a blasphemer then--as punishment I shall not drink coffee!
  6. I honestly don't care about coffee, I might have had a few sips in my lifetime. I guess I have occasionally thought of people drinking it (usually when they are drinking it), and I have helped some people get their coffee. That being said in most other cases I don't drink it or think about it.
  7. You are right....I have never thought about the giraffe... But I don't really think about coffee in the first place.
  8. No clue, but there is a chance they want all zippers in their down position. And that would be quite dreadful...Oh how much would be lost from back packs....
  9. I am guessing their reaction would be a lot like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OelFkYByH4
  10. Even though the mash up has its moments, it just makes me think about how much I would rather listen to either song.
  11. Or at least men should realize that in most cases the freezer is better for storing ice cream. Few people want semi-melted ice cream.
  12. With the whole stop the next hitler or xehanort from being born thing... You do know that even with identical DNA that people can look and potentially act different? (Look up cloning and epigenetics) Also environmental factors help shape people into who they are personality wise. Also it isn't the first sperm to get there that wins.http://elitedaily.com/news/world/winning-sperm/ Also like others have stated, sperm is at best half a potential person, and its only purpose is to find another half...to which it has near zero chance of succeeding. Doomed to die "alone" and exhausted, while looking for an everlasting marriage. And even if you don't do anything, if your body makes sperm, it will make sperm that will eventually leave or die.
  13. He must have given the cat dry food one too many days in a row.
  14. You are only thinking about the pirates? With that he could unlock EVERYTHING! D:
  15. Actually the teacher is wrong about whales, it almost sounds like she skimmed this article and found out that whale SHARKS can't swallow people whole because their esophagus is too small.http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/could-a-whale-accidentally-swallow-you-it-is-possible-26353362/?no-istThat's what I was thinking but then I read this too:http://www.whalefacts.org/do-blue-whales-eat-people/It appears the Blue Whale's throat is also too small.THOUGH both articles say it is possible for a sperm whale to swallow a whole human. (just highly unlikely) It is just once you are swallowed you are going to suffocate (if you don't get killed by stomach juices), because it doesn't have much to any oxygen in its digestive system.
  16. It looks like Kairi wants the D, the destiny that is.
  17. That's the problem with prequels.
  18. I was mostly bringing it up because it could have been a localization error. And it really was supposed to be River, but they decided to go with Liver.While Brad COULD make sense as a localized name, if the writer intended for him to be named Brad, it would have been Burado.The only reason I can think for why they have Burat being Bulat is because Bulat sounds a bit like bullet. (I think I am thinking too much with the English language) Though that doesn't make sense with his imperial arms.
  19. You have heard the story about R/L in Japanese right?Here is a QUICK explanation if you didn't know.http://japanese.about.com/library/blqow13.htmAnyways, nice catch.
  20. So...I started at a university after graduating from a community college...and someone that was in one of my community college classes was in one of my university classes. 0_0

    1. Sora


      Your number one stalker

  21. I guess my summer vacation is finally over. Time for me to be absorbed into someone sleeping in a flower.

    1. xHaru



      ? :D
    2. Tigerruss


      I failed to find someone sleeping in giant translucent white plant life.

    3. Dracozombie


      @xHaru Honestly, more like

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