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About KMH

  • Birthday 12/04/1992

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  1. I always saw their relationship as more long lost twins, even baring physical similarities in the blond hair. A combination of Sora&Kairi gave birth to both of them so in a way Sora&Kairi are like their parents. Ventus might be sort of like a pseudo-brother of Sora's in this kind of relationship where essentially his genes bleed through into Sora's kids in the same way I have my dad's brother's hair rather than my dad's hair. Though instead of genes it's his heart and special connection with Sora. As for Roxas drawn to Namine I think in part we need to look at Days. When Axel wouldn't give Roxas the answers he sought Roxas decided Axel who is lying and hiding things from him wasn't his friend. As he turned away to leave the room he said he'd leave the organization and find someone who would give him in the answers he sought, and that when he finds that person that person will be the friend that he trusts. Thus that prophecy came true, he found Namine and because she gave him answers he trusted her and considered her to be his friend. She's the friend Roxas needed and wanted in addition to basically being his sibling and that's what I think is the source of Roxas's draw to Namine. While Namine's draw with Roxas was a bit different a combination of multiple things. For one was that he was one of the persons she hurt/was hurting and so she felt a sense of remorse for him. Another is she had watch Roxas throughout all of Days, she'd seen him grown and she' had seen him fight so hard to try and be his own person. After watching someone from afar for so long it's only natural that she'd want to meet him. Finally she made a promise to Xion that she would watch over Roxas and guide him when she's gone, even if the memories faded the promise should have remained just like Sora's promise with Namine did. Then of course they became friends and that coupled with their sibling connection was her draw to Roxas. Near the end though they uncovered and understood something knew, it's that even though they are locked up in Sora & Kairi they can still see each other when Sora and Kairi look at each other. Namine knows now she'll not just be a phantom inside Kairi no one can see or hear, because of Roxas. So she'll never be alone again and as she said way back in CoM she was just so lonely and had wanted a friend of her own, and now she's got one. It's not love that had her excited it's that she had just achieved her dream she had longed for since back in CoM. As for Roxas and Xion I do think there is love between them but I don't think it's quite romantic love. Roxas and Xion were so alike and shared the same kind of life, they shared the same plights, the same friends, the same keyblade, the same hopes and dreams, and so it's only natural they were drawn to each other. If Namine is the sibling then Xion is the childhood friend that has a sense of familiarity about her, deep down she reminds Roxas of parents Sora&Kairi without actually knowing that. So it's in Xion he seeks comfort, it's Xion he fawned over, and it's Xion he loved but in platonic way. In the end I think it's possible their platonic love was sort of evolving into romantic interest with how she was caressing Roxas's face, but it was very early and it didn't get a chance to blossom past those final moments.
  2. Yeah I dealt the final blow this morning actually and found myself with the prizes you listed + 5 more bronze tickets and a silver ticket. I don't know which of those I got from the final blow though.
  3. I'm curious but with the moogle shop using points rather than cards can you get anything besides bronze cards?
  4. Do you think Level might effect where heartless spawn? Because a bunch of crescendos are spawning in the spooky woods of the Dwarven Woodlands I know for a fact for me at least that place used to be just Shadows and Blue Rasphodies. Also that option is grey'd out for everyone spider, if you've been invited to a party to join all you need to do is go to your status page, hit the middle button, and then the person's party should appear and you just hit the left Red button to join.
  5. So yeah you were definitely on about how there is worth in leveling up cards you will replace. I can't tell if it's a set bonus or if all the levels collected just transfer over, but I synthed my Paine card which was level 19 on my lv1 Valor Sora R+ card and I used a couple other cards in the mix, and I didn't full up all the synth slots either. The result was Sora just rocketed up to level 24 in a matter of seconds. Actually did another test this time using one card, I took a N+ Leon blue card and synthed it with 4 N+ Blue Yuna cards yielding a lv6 Blue N+ Leon. I then Synthed just that one card with my R+ Blue Leon card and that yielded a lv5 R+ Blue Leon card. So it's an amount not a carry over but I'm not sure if this produces a better effect than just synthing the individual cards into it direct or not. ------------ Okay I had enough multiples so I conducted an experiment. I had two Green KH2 N+ Sora cards, Two Green N+ Aladdin, Two Green N+ Simba, and Two Blue N+ Yunas all fresh lv1 cards and their artworks match. The first Sora was synth with one Aladdin and one Simba to yield a lv11 Green N+ Sora. Now combining that Sora with the first Yuna card boost the Yuna to lv7. With the second Yuna card I synthed the other separate Sora, Aladdin, and Simba cards in it to yield a lv4 Yuna. So it does indeed produce a better effect.
  6. Whoops shoulda refreshed the page first as I see I was beaten to the punch on the Wonderland info. Anyway after acquiring like 15 bronze moogle passes I have learned you can indeed get Silver rarity cards from even bronze passes, seems to be really really rare though. Or just entirely random seeing as I just used 2 bronze moogle passes in a row and got the same R level Auron card twice. So if its' entirely random I don't quite get what the difference between Bronze and Silver passes are.
  7. Speaking of which one other thing I'm curious about does anyone understand how the individual Lux Ranking prizes work? I understand Team Lux Ranking easy but not individual ranking.
  8. Well I was invited to a party but took me forever to figure out how to join. Turns out you need to go to your stats page, click the middle red button, and like always the yes options are always on the left. So now I'm in a party with 3 other people, the leader is a girl the other two members have my same face and hair but different hair color so it looks like we're a reverse charlie's angels.
  9. I don't doubt nothing happens though I will make sure to limit cut just to be safe. At the same time this Donald Card has the power of an R+ card at this point so honestly it's pretty much as if I've got another R+ card I was just curious if backing might changed if you got it to the absolute max was all. Oh here is something fun I just learned in the moogle shop you can spend 200 for 1 card or 2000 for 10 cards, but if you have less than 2000 but more than 200 then for every 200 you get a card. So basically if you have 1800 you get 9 cards instead of 10 cards. Which means in the end that the second moogle button is basically just a spend all button when you're 2000 or less. People probably know this but I thought I put it in here to be safe.
  10. Oh man if there is another cut possible I need to find a Donald card to make sure this card is as maxed out as humanly possible.
  11. So something I noticed different card rarity has a different max level. R+ default start at a max of 55 R default start at a max of 50 N+ default start at a max of 45 N default start at a max of 40 By performing limit cuts you can raise the potential max of a card. For example my donald was an N+ so its default was 45 but I've limit cut it twice and now it's max possible level is 55. I'm pretty much positive I can't limit cut this card anymore as I can literally have only one copy of it in my deck at this point, so I'm going to see if something happens when you fully max out a card to its limits. Donald is right now a lv49 card so I'll have the answer in about 6 more levels.
  12. Excellent thanks, though these level requirements are starting to get annoying. Also yeah I think we've all suffered that sliver of health frustration. >_<
  13. Yeah that's also a problem it's why my level grinding has come to a halt, my deck even with it's new upgrades isn't strong enough to kill Tornado Stompers anymore. If I get a few more powerful cards I think I'll be okay but until then I'm stuck scrounging for 95 experience from these bandits.
  14. Well that confirms my suspicions then and explains why the Tornado Stompers jumped up by 5 levels. Still this is a good thing else leveling to 24 and beyond would be agonizing.
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