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Mysterious Figure

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Everything posted by Mysterious Figure

  1. *Last ten seconds of episode 5* Me: Finally some Action! *Fades Out* Me: DAMMIT!
  2. Well if Roxas has Ven's heart it might be because his heart is trying to return to Ven This way if Ven's Heart went to Roxas it means Sora didn't have until they joined back at the end of KH2 which would explain why Sora didn't collapse when he was at Castle Oblivion
  3. Did anyone know about these Twitter accounts? twitter.com/RT_WeissSchnee twitter.com/RT_YangXiaoLong twitter.com/RT_RubyRose I think they're legit O_O
  4. I don't know about you guys... ...But I like Professor Ozpin
  5. I can fill a few of those plot holes for you, first of all dead akatsuki members aren't alive at the beginning, its axctually white zetsu's Plus, in the last fight it was the alternate dimension akatsuki, not the real ones like you thought Personally I liked the movie, even if it did make me hate Sakura more than I thought I ever could. It was nice to see Naruto have a happy life for once. This one probably isn't as good as the rest cause they tried to make it fit with the canon story which just made everything confusing
  6. When the X-Blade was destroyed it split into 7 lights and 13 darknesses. We know the 7 pieces of light are the princesses of heart but what about the other 13 pieces? Xehanort is creating his own 13 darknesses using his own heart so what happened to the original 13 pieces of darkness made from the X-Blade?
  7. 1. I think all the trailers take place before the show, except for maybe Yang unless she's looking for whoever for personal reasons The Red trailer was the first pitch for the show so it makes sense Ruby had barely any personality they possibly may not have come up with one for her by then. The grave on the other hand I think is her Uncle Crow's. If it is then it makes sense that she fights so well, he taught her after all. With the Black Trailer I think Blake was apart of some group (maybe the White Fang) and Adam was her teacher (or some kinda student/teacher relationship). The news in episode 1 said they were getting more extreme, seems like Blake no longer wanted to be part of it for that reason. 2. Why does everyone think there are 2 moons in the Yellow trailer? Haven't you people ever heard of the Sun? That's all the opinion I have to share
  8. Its a game where fight monsters with donald duck and goofy, I don't think their gonna go for the realistic look
  9. Not the anime argument again Who cares if its an anime or not!? The show is awesome either way
  10. Won't it be weird when heartless show up though? I think they would just get in the way when we're fighting
  11. Am i the only one who's curious about what their 'initiation' is gonna be?
  12. Never played 3D but Flowmotion always look awesome to me, why all the hate?
  13. Maleficent will be the main villain with her band of disney villains, That's what I'm hoping for at least Simple, makes sense, plus there's no way Nomura could possibly over-complicate this plotline
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