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Mysterious Figure

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Everything posted by Mysterious Figure

  1. I really don't think FFXV will come out in 2015, maybe mid 2016
  2. So it's that demo where enemies randomly spawn in the city right? I wonder what extra content they will add
  3. So hyped for this, I wonder if we will have a different roster?
  4. Well if this is really happening I really hope it's about a different cast of characters somewhere else in the world
  5. I was hoping for a release window.....didn't even get a 'Coming Soon' Overall the trailer looked pretty epic though
  6. I just feel like Star wars and Marvel are too big to fit into a single world, I wouldn't mind a few easter eggs here and there but a world wouldn't work in my opinion
  7. I'm hoping for at least a release window for FFXV I already know there's not gonna be any KH3 news
  8. Wait I'm confused, is Orience the name of the world or a country?
  9. I think the problem is the writers are seeing this as a long-term project, and cause of that there is so much build-up that it seems like nothing is ever actually happening I want the whole Cinder arc to have a proper conclusion next volume, I'm a lot more interested in seeing the Grimm make they're move
  10. Chances are this will be mostly about XV, they don't usually spend too long talking about Type-0
  11. After the depressing endings of KH1, Days and BBS I think the characters have suffered enough
  12. I'm pretty sure KH3 will have the happy, fairy tale ending where everyone comes back
  13. This explains why Marvel are trying to get Spidey back If they pull this off it will be legendary
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