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Mysterious Figure

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Everything posted by Mysterious Figure

  1. Agreed, I think everyone has a different image of what they want this to beThere's no way for square to please everyone here
  2. I like how you see Donald and Goofy having fun on the tea cup ride as normal, Then you have Sora who's doing a frikkin' handstand on it
  3. He seems like he's too curious for his own good You know what they say, Curiosity killed the cat
  4. Yeah, if they do decide to have this multiplayer, I hope they give it to another team, like what MGSV is doing with MGO
  5. I think it's more to do with them wanting it rather than them thinking they need it I'd be all for it, never got a chance to play BBS online
  6. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2015/06/22/kingdom-hearts-3-may-feature-an-online-component A return for the mirage arena?
  7. I'd say the complex story, but it's really more to do with the way it's told I don't like rather than the story itself
  8. Well it sounds like everything's going smoothly, I give it at least 2 years before it releases though
  9. Goddammit! To be honest I was kinda concerned when he just said North America on stage Well I'm sure it will come to Europe not long after, the real wait is when it will just be released for us in general, we're still waiting for a bunch of other smartphone games to be localised
  10. It's definitely a remake and it will probably have the same basic storyline as the original The changes I think they're talking about would probably involve the battle system and adapting the story a bit to fit in with the rest of the ff7 compilation like crisis core of before crisis I'm curious to see whether or not they'll stick to turn based gameplay, while I wouldn't mind them keeping it the idea of each character having their own movesets and combos just seems really awesome to me and actually makes me more excited for it then the turn based system I've already played On the other hand, if they don't keep it turn based the Internet will have a fit over it, at the end of the day no matter which battle system they choose people will complain about it, there's really no winning for them Personally, I would be happy either way so it's win-win for me!
  11. He's not evil, He's just trying to start a world war for the sake of curiosity because he's misunderstood
  12. You know what would be awesome? If they announced it was available right now....I can dream can't I?
  13. Holy cra- 'Director: Tetsuya Nomura' ...we're never gonna get KH3 are we? In all seriousness though this was completely unexpected, even with the leak. I can't wait for the Golden Saucer stage play in HD
  14. You know what's weird? I agree with most of the list yet FF8 is still one of my favourite FF's
  15. SE excel at disappointment, so I wanna be prepared to be unimpressedRight now you're making it really hard for me to do that
  16. I haven't seen the video yet, but I don't think this is the way to look at it, whenever Burnie speaks about RT he says one of the best things about online video is getting instant feedback, meaning they would probably appreciate hearing anything, anyone thought was wrong with the seriesAt the end of the day RWBY is cool but not perfect, nothing is perfect, but unlike most other shows we can tell them directly how we think they can improve
  17. No sea salt option? What kind of KH site is this!?
  18. Should probably mention that this comes with a beta for Uncharted 4's multiplayer
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