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Everything posted by XxBlossomingNobodyxX

  1. Oooohhh nnnoooo! How do you save Amber Cole?! *gasp* the last sea salt ice cream! *runs over to case with ice cream* *breaks it like its a fire box* *runs back over to Amber* *stuffs ice cream in Amber's mouth*
  2. No no, they bribed him with a copy of KH3 early , and THEN he turned them in. And that is the story of why in KH2 it is the last sea salt ice cream ever
  3. Remember when we all used to have fun in the chat room? Pepperidge farm remembers.

    1. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      yeah but everyone who used to be there is also gone too!

      I just want most of us there!


      But yeah Stray Reaper, thanks for keeping the tradition alive!

    2. King Demise
    3. XxBlossomingNobodyxX
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  4. Because Nomura and Disney laugh at our cries. They use it to make Sea Salt Ice Cream. Ah, it hurts.
  5. I think its Soul Reapers turn! if he ever comes back.... Okay, i guess ill answer yours....sadly....oh man.... They say its better that I fade They say I was just a puppet that was made Ill visit the girl with sunshine hair, the other tool So she can try and keep me up in frames But even that waxy innocence will smudge away Nobodies, ones who arent meant to exist Without a heart, am i really not allowed to live? Heart, i have never known that But i know of the saltyness of his tears And the sweetness of that one year "Never forget. That's the truth." And although, our time was short I'll always be with you...
  6. IDK WHY, BUT I LOVE KH13 MEMES!1! It makes me feel like im part of a secret society or something lol and by secret, its on the internet and by society i mean fansite for a disney game omg lol
  7. Wow thats deep and beautiful! Now maybe ill answer it idk... okay i guess i will I found your body lying inside These dark twisted caverns of thoughts in our minds Though they say memory can decay What i remember is not dead today The cuts were dark The color was deep Your promise was something you couldn't keep You lost your love by abandoning me But I still live by what you ran away from. Like that chandelier falling, and breaking faster than the speed of sound So did i let out my scream. Okay someone answer mine now! that hurts so much T.T no, no, no ,no. I cant even answer that, that hurts
  8. yup lol fangirls know what i mean where u obsess over tiny things like its the end
  9. Well come to us so its not meh-ish lol And good, wed be glad to help you Best of love, my friend
  10. Awwwww i like it! Its so sweet, and then so sad. Actually, its really sad... And then the ends good again! Now someone needs to get in and answer it with another poem!
  11. yyessss! Poem! Just to have a fun game and maybe someone will write a response to yours It actually is. The first two are about an argument that happened in my house, but it was awhile ago, like months. i remembered what happened and wrote a poem about it. the rest is me just being emo and the end is about me giving in. "Can i say i really wish the world was silent?" is close to 'Can i say i really want to shut the world out?" And the last all rights, are me saying yes Yeah, just me being dramatic in poetic style
  12. OMG, it's Amber Cole (that's your new intro from me lol) Okay, lol But to make it up, now you have to write a response book (poem. pplleeaasseeee *pout face*)
  13. Tonight I really wish the world was silent I've got strangers at my door and in my house Notice I did not say home, Because I'm not home with all these shouts echoing out. I hear her crying, and him screaming to get out (These walls are too thin, they'll never hold for my nightmares at 2 AM) And Im stuck hiding in my closet with muffled sobbing Wondering if the angels knew What having family problems was all about. Actually, I'm the one who doesn't know- I won't turn the lights off any more at night I see my future in five years Just close the door and lock it tight Good night, good night, good night. There isn't anything wrong with me, the world, or this house- But please, turn it ( lock it) away - n o, s t a y - I'm having trouble blocking it out. These words, my songs, our screams They don't mean anything. Why can't it all go quiet? Can I say I wish the world was silent? All right, all right, all right.
  14. NO, that was a great joke! Keep doing like that and you'll be perfect around here lol Welcome to KH13, where you'll find the most awesomest people you'll ever meet (the art freaks)
  15. Your support is great! And im actually very sorry to hear that but Im glad youre out of the hospital now and doing better. I hope everything goes along best for you
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