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Everything posted by XxBlossomingNobodyxX

  1. That sounds like a good idea But it took forever for me to do the sock thing
  2. Sorry haha, so tell me, how would you suggest i curl my hair?
  3. What's a good way to curl my hair without using a curling iron? I want to start curling my hair in a way that doesn't involve heat, and my mom told me that rollers would be difficult for me Does anybody know other ways to go about it? I usually shower in the morning as part of my routine so methods that work with damp hair would be preferable, but if not that's fine. Thank you!
  4. Aww i usually like discovering those kind of things by myself. But that's cool!
  5. I've been trying to tell people that for the longest time! That's the point Cucco. The science's facts and evidence goes in line with the religious belief. It's the same thing, explained differently. It's just reworded.
  6. Hi new, I'm Blossom Welcome to KH13! Here is a welcoming basket of cookies! If u ever want to talk about Kairi or Namine, Im you're girl. Haha, even Xion if you want
  7. I tried it but it didnt work..... Well it was me, i suck at computers. And omg when? Happy late birthday! Maybe i can give it to u on the date of October? Cause i need a little time... Im so glad u like it!! I want u to be happy on ur birthday Anddd awww thank u I assume you mean Namine's dress? It was hard to draw her hem, i tried 5 different times!
  8. Thats horrible! That does sound scary..... Gee, i dont know how to solve it. Maybe they just really liked your name? Or are they actually pretending to be you?
  9. You did it! Thank you!! How did you do that?! When is your birthday? Maybe I can do a picture of her for you?
  10. http://imgur.com/PlUfQgD Because i suck at computers please just copy and paste the link. But anyways, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you like the picture! Credit to the original user on the internet who drew Kairi. I redrew her, and added in Namine. Original image does not belong to me. I think you can tell I struggled with Namine's dress hem....
  11. Happy Birthday! Idk how to post an image...

    1. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      lol you dont see the topic?


    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      I'm on my phone right now so kh13 isn't really wonderful :/


      I would totally chat with you I could.

    3. XxBlossomingNobodyxX


      yeah i would do that if i couldve found u on the chat list xD


      would it help if i posted a link to the topic?

      Or do u just want a link to the image?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. How do I post an image on here?

    1. Javelin434


      there should be a button in the box where you type that allows you to post the url in. Otherwise, it's url of whatever the picture is

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Now if only I knew how to post a picture on here!
  14. For some reason I couldn't get on here for a little bit.

  15. I'm 16. (Yes, that's right KH13, you know my true age now! It's no longer the Blossom mystery) I do live under my father's roof, but in this situation I wouldnt be using any of their money, I would be using my own from selling something of mine I didnt want anymore. If they made the argument that they bought that item for me, I would just sell something a friend gave to me if it was alright with that friend. But I agree though, it's my money, I should spend it how I want to. Plus, it's not like Im blowing 300 dollars on alcohol or drugs like some teens, or spending it all on designer clothes, or some selfish or irresponsable indulgence. I just want to donate 1-5 dollars to charity.
  16. No, my father didn't even know which one I was talking about I just said "Charity" and he said no. I know him well enough to know he was just being his stubborn self. I was planning on Make-A-Wish, or St, Judes Childrens Hospital.
  17. Woooooaaaahhh You were AMAZING. And wow that audience needs to hush, because they were in the midst of beauty.
  18. Im debating if I should make a Facebook account specifically so I can talk and add you guys as friends on it.

    1. Ghost


      i have two fb accounts:

      one for family, work, so people can stalk me, etc. the other for memes, offensive jokes, and poorly timed selfies.

    2. XxBlossomingNobodyxX
    3. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      If you do, you can add me! ^_^

  19. Welcome back, Wolfie. Sorry to hear all that. I wish you the best. And Ill be glad to chat with you about hilarious stuff again
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