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Everything posted by Sora

  1. Poor Duckle Stan All he wants is fishing buddies
  2. I wanted to go to California for college so badly But ended up not being able to ;-; You think a Canadian could fit in with the humans of California? Old page
  3. quota already Dx its funny because out of everyone here you're really the only one made fun of the Canadian hahaha Us Canadians are our own species
  4. No Mabel I meant ACTUAL people disappearing! There's got to be something in the book about it... Also no that plant was taken off by Uncle Duckstan... Something about trying to sell it as a "magical plant" scam
  5. precisely Hey Mabel, have you noticed something strange going on lately? With all these members disappearing left and right owo
  6. IT..... does! o-o find out how on the next episode of Gravity Falls Z
  7. Night everyone! Take care, see you all soon
  8. Maple Syrup, Dipper Mabel and Stan It's a sign: also finished my secret message with my last post anyone who figures it out wins a...toblerone owo
  9. Break up with Norman I'm pretty sure he's a zombie
  10. A couple years ago I did a secret message with my statuses but nobody figured it out xDx I also fought quota and, clearly, lost
  11. Taking Gravity Falls' influence and making my own mystery owo I'm actually not doing anything like that I'm just bored Also holy crap I had nooooo idea Ryan Reynolds was Canadian
  12. Am I trolling, or is everything going exactly according to plan so far owo
  13. I hate hidden messages in stuff, which is totally why I'm not about to drop a hidden message here
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