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Everything posted by Sora

  1. Once again, I can't sleep.

    1. ReikuSSR


      heh. yeah. Put my mahjong bets on me being the one to at least get the ball rolling on saving this universe.

    2. Skai


      Bets are on then! xP

    3. ReikuSSR


      That's what I like to hear. Your passion, the zeal. just what I needed! I will promise at nothing, but if I can get enough support I can make a difference and hopefully better all of humanity!

    4. Show next comments  354 more
  2. Sora

    PSP games

    Honestly Birth By Sleep.
  3. Yo come on Google, answer my IM's

  4. "Google" never answers my IM's :(

  5. Tried doing the "Matrix" in the shower. Ended up falling and lying there for 20 minutes

    1. ReikuSSR


      ow. yeah that probably was not one of the better ideas to do in the shower.

    2. Sora


      Yea, I've learned my lesson lol

    3. ReikuSSR


      Trial and error right? heh

  6. Happy birthday, person I don't know!
  7. Wtf is Narutobase?

    1. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      similar to KH13. main fanbase for Naruto fans. I only go on there for predictions.

    2. Sora


      Oh true.

      Lol I thought it was an anime expo or something xD

  8. Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke it
  9. Yo mama so fat she fell off both sides of the bed
  10. Yo mama so fat she got more rolls than an Italian bakery
  11. Yo mamas like a shotgun, two cocks then she'll blow
  12. Yo mamas so greasy you can butter your popcorn off of her leg hair
  13. Yo mama so stupid she studied for a drug test
  14. Yo mama so ugly when she was born they tried pushing her back in
  15. Your moms like a squirrel, her mouth is always filled with nuts
  16. It says you made a reply to your status, but I don't see one D:

    1. Sora


      When are you gonna post it again?

    2. Taeyeon


      An update? Most likely tomorrow.

    3. Sora


      Alrighty. Have fun drawing it!

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  17. Someone tell me some good 3ds games. All I have is LH

    1. OthersiderME


      Kid Icarus, Tales of the Abyss, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, just to name a few.

    2. Sora


      Nice nice

    3. MyDixieRect


      Luigi's Mansion 2!!

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  18. Yo mama is so greasy, you could butter your popcorn off her leg hair

  19. A small albino duck in an Organization XIII coat with a curly mustache that has video tapes for feet with pineapple arms who speaks French with gum drop eyes and a raccoon tail with spots instead of stripes with a top hat riding a unicycle with FLAMING WINGS With Wi-fi that has Dial-up speed and a cellphone for a butt
  20. YES I FOUND MY N64!!!

    1. Hei


      it is a pain, but nostalgic

      and get out of here xaon

    2. Sora


      True I guess.

      I'll try it when I'm not feeling lazy

    3. Demyx.


      Yeah but it's pretty horrible. xD

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