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Everything posted by Sora

  1. Thanks for the add!

    1. Sora


      Also if you need to talk to someone about what going on I'm here, as well as everyone else in your status^^

    2. Sora


      Also also your username is gold xD

    3. Roxas that's a stick

      Roxas that's a stick

      Thank you! If I have any more problems I know who to come to! :) I'm glad you like my username!! xD

  2. Excuse me officer

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    2. Felixx


      No problem for the add, man! Since you left the chatroom I had to reply here xD

    3. Sora


      Oh good you saw it xD

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  3. http://youtu.be/H47ow4_Cmk0&autoplay=1
  4. Actually I'm Roxas but close enough I guess uwu
  5. I died right after Frisk died But yeah how have you been it's been like years lol
  6. We should play more battlefront even though I'm tots a noob lmao

  7. Holy crap I haven't seen hype this real in a loooooong time
  8. But but What if the cactuar isn't there in the patch
  9. Oh no she said the bitch word I mean the b word
  10. Dude Duck what was in those brownies you gave me @-@
  11. Don't listen to these guys you should totally get stoned
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