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Everything posted by Beefbroth

  1. helo friends,, long time no talking! i am here to ask for opinion on my group new project it called the florida group i atend on saturdays to help with my communication ) we want to go to ghana and they want take me omgosh! d: we want take trip in 2016 so u think be out then? i propose donate ps4 which we raise funds for and i want get k111 to play so we can take to community centar in ghana ) do u think this is a good deed? i made this with helen today not best work but i am hype
  2. WHat world u want? thnx sweet :wub:
  3. TAke your negitivity some place else lone ranger :angry: i did not do tht it mustv been helen im sorry javl kairi is hot babe let not think anymore of this javl :wub: would you play?'
  4. thnx :wub: what world you want?
  5. so i think i think ad i watch shreke 2 this eve and many give me idea, i like this alot. Kingdom world would be awsome i like such of very much helen help make this together at my home call and i think it would be great opinion wanted, of you feel about this? i love hee _<3
  6. i know u like the ladies of kingdom but i agree xion is not need and annoy
  7. congrat i do before you hahaa i am excite for 2.5, is anybody els? i platniun that to haa :~)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF5f-UiewFY
  9. who is your fav charecter bbs aqua or goof :~)

  10. do u remember me ahhh i don't think you liked me becose i insulted kairi fanfic. but now i like, i look into more and i like a lot so nice to meet u javl i agree let share her hhe
  11. me and javl got off to bad start due to kairi i would like to say i am sorry javl and i am sorry to any i like her in more than friend way but i think it wrong to get excite about her feautures javl forgive me _<3 :wub:
  12. yes, i can email you copy if like? thnx thnx u sweet
  13. I am so excite! I cannot bare wait but be worth Plenty wait but i fingers crossed preorder come soon! eeee i did this in class i take at youth center i hope u like took plenty of time but i think was worth Hhe i am not good at computer but helen said was good and i explain to helen why i like kingdom :wub: comment how excite you are and give opinon on work thnx
  14. y r u all bein so deep, kengdem is cLLED kengdem cos disney kengdem, obvs wouldnt be called kengdem if wasn't disney sry :wub: disney kengdem
  15. heelo sora x goof hope like nice :wub:
  16. the docs are floaeting in the air thiking about life chris eccles looks deep inthought was that how u felt whilst making it :wub:
  17. wht if don;t have money then i am nt rich i pay for the bills and everything i need ps4 now to play gjhost
  18. i need ps4 now so can have hype for k111 bc i like it a lot i got play arts figuerines too and i must say im vey excited which is ur fave part of kh111 trailer? thankyou i hope you enjoy this its kh x aot
  19. i got some ace plauy arts figuerines and i like them a lot. do u have any ? if so which ones? :wub:
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