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ilias ioannou

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Everything posted by ilias ioannou

  1. hm let's see kingdom hearts 9.0 kingdom hearts II 9.5 kingdom hearts bbs 9.3 kingdom hearts HD 1.5 9.0 and I am certain that kh 2.5 will get a 9.5 from me yeah you could say I'm a hardcore fan
  2. I don't know if anyone noticed yet and I am really sorry if this is old news but the japanese website for KH HD 2.5 has been vastly updated. It now features basic explainations for all three titles along with screenshots and a pre order link that suggests that the box art for the game is now being printed(or so I think cause it also features chi).What's more is it also features the KH 2 version of Dearly Beloved but I am most possitive it is not reorchestrated.Seems like we may be getting a new update soon.Can't wait to be able to pre order in my country!!! Link bellow http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/khhd2/#top Again sorry if this was just a waste of your time!
  3. Wow so Recoded WILL actually be longer than days.So excited!!!!!!
  4. Nah I think I can handle a couple of months of patience and other peoples walkthroughs.
  5. I seriously don't want to bust everyone's bubble but looking at the facts: -BoZ was a mediocre game and it had 2-3 years of development -the fact that it will be for current gen too means that graphics will probably be downplayed a lot so don't expect anything extarortdinary but of course always excited for a new db game just don't have high expectations maybe this provides a return to the beloved tenkaichi era or something good in general I really want to see some footage too!!!!!!!!
  6. Yep!!!!!! It's definitely time for some news and even if we get nothing for kh3 we'll definitely have 2.5 news
  7. FIRETRUCK!HAHAHAHA I can already hear Tien in ep.40 "well Vegeta looks like you've been...DISARMED"
  8. Well,Nomura did say he wants KH 3 out fast so it's fair to say that the game will be done development by the start of 2015 after that it's just a matter of time....Can't wait to see what they'll show at this years' E3:)
  9. KH HD 2.5 mainly but I'm sure something interesting will pop up during the year.NSUNS Revolution maybe?
  10. Yeah,so awesome although I would rather they stayed at the normal series for the time being.CELL TIME:)
  11. My body,my mind and my heart are ready for KH 3.I will wait as long as it takes knowing that it'll end one of my most favourite sagas of gaming EVER and open the way to a new story for Sora and his friends!
  12. 2014 is just a few hours away,for me at least.(In Goofy voice)Happy New Year fellas:)

    1. Roy


      Thanks you too.

  13. As the title says Happy 2014 guys.May this year bring you peace and happiness.But to justify this topic being on the KH3 section what kind of news do you expect for KH3 to be announced in this year.Of course HD 2.5 will be the main focus of square but at least TWO new trailers are to surface right?My main concern is the release date.We all know that 2014 is out of the question but do you think they'll announce a date even if it's just ''coming at 2015 or 2016''?I hope so.Either way feel free to share your thoughts and speak your mind.Once again happy new year!
  14. I think there is a twitch website and that Square themselves will also livestream the event in their japanese website.
  15. I've only been a member for a few months myself but I get yout point.Happy holidays as well:)
  16. Actually the only new keyblades that appeared in 1.5 were Diamond Dust and One Winged Angel that already appeared in the orginal final mix version so the new kh 2 keyblades will be two become one and winner's proof.For bbs fm we'll get crown unlimit by defeating no heart which was also available only in the final mix version of the game.
  17. I saw a commercial about the first one and the image of the Keyblade stayed with me.Back then I had never heard of Square Enix(Squaresoft) and only knew a little about disney but the series was to my liking.The rest is history.
  18. It's a great game and just playing it again,this time in hd(and hopefully (re)orchestrated music) is soooo worth it.You'll love it.
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