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Everything posted by Geotrix

  1. Is this where we are in the series now? Complaining about the character and the development of a talking duck with no pants?
  2. My friends reaction was the best, I asked him if he wanted to borrow KH2 and he said "No I don't want anyone to see me playing that"
  3. For sure, mainly the tracks from BBS are fantastic to listen to on their own.
  4. I don't really want a tutorial with different characters like the Roxas scenario in 2. If they had to do it I'd imagine they would with Young Xehanort given that KH3 teaser and all.
  5. So particle effects and such? Games have done this in the past and since the WII U is a current gen console (by current gen I mean along with the PS4 and Xbox one) I'm sure it's possible with this tech.
  6. DDD only came out 2 years ago and the 3DS is still going strong, it doesn't really need a HD remaster. The only way I feel it would have one is to fill in the void for 2015 for a KH game.
  7. Welcome to the site! Keep on at it with the reviews and such.
  8. I don't see what the relevance of putting Max in would be.
  9. Chain of Memories seems better to the system it was on. RE:COM just doesn't seem to suit being on a console and it just feels blander than the original if that makes sense.
  10. Welcome to the site! I'm usually on the chat so feel free to talk to me!
  11. Zelda U looks fine to me but I did prefer the look of the old tech demo they showed just cause the lighting looked better there.
  12. It's a £15 downloadable game so it's gonna have to re use some assets from MGR. Platinum always excel in terms of combat though so I'm looking forward to this one.
  13. Are there more princesses of heart besides from the ones we saw in KH1 and Kairi?
  14. I'm guessing it will have a Theatre Mode ready, I'm not sure how it worked in the original KH2FM.
  15. This sounds similar to that DDD glitch you can do in the Mysterious Tower, if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
  16. That would be cool. ESPECIALLY with BBS (as that has some of my favorite boss fights in the series)
  17. I knew that baseball bat wielding maniac was capable of such things.
  18. 1. Star Trek 2. Shrek 3. Michael Bay's Transformers 4. Green Hill Zone 5. The Bee Movie
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