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Everything posted by Geotrix

  1. Not very long. like almost 3 years now I think? But alas, the series has stuck to me.
  2. You're right! I got change mixed with Balance. I have no idea how to edit titles though, not sure if i can.
  3. The avatar universe has been confirmed to continue through things like comics, but in terms of a TV show? I doubt it.
  4. https://twitter.com/PJ_Byrne/status/509853831144808449 PJ Byrne ( The voice actor for Bolin) just posted this on Twitter. If this turns out to be true, the end of Korra and perhaps Avatar in general is under a month away... I don't think I'm ready EDIT: It's been confirmed. http://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/97176109017/korranation-we-interrupt-your-scrolling-to-bring ITS BOOK 4 BALANCE BY THE WAY I'M A DUMB IDIOT I CREATED THIS TOPIC QUICKLY DUE TO HYPE.
  5. Seriously, this reigns true. It's fine if someone doesn't like COD (I'm not the biggest fan of it either) But in a lot of arguments where someone says I don't like (insert game here) there is usually a response which goes something like " YOU MUST BE A COD FANBOY THEN" Pretty lazy way to end an argument there, even if it isn't relevant to said discussion.
  6. To appreciate other stories which aren't as convoluted and dumb justkidding I dunno, it's just a series which I enjoy. It hasn't done anything for me on a deep or emotional level. Made me appreciate the 'RPG' genre more I guess?
  7. 3DS since it's all I own right now. I plan to get a Wii U nearer XMAS time mainly for Bayo 2 but if I really enjoy Smash for 3DS then I'll pick up the Wii U version too.
  8. Hey, Kingdom Hearts in general is a maths problem when these suckers though THIS was a good idea for a title I'VE COME HERE TO PLAY A KH GAME, NOT TO DO FRACTIONS.
  9. So can we agree Destiny Islands is the best track in Project Destasti, right?

    1. The_eternal_nothing


      I will I just want to listen to it to see if its worth supporting

    2. Geotrix
    3. Joker


      i havent heard any of it yet but i think Destati would be the besy song


    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. That Soul Seeker looks good, it sort of looks like how Rayman would be if he was an evil ghost.
  11. Nomura is probably a Sage, I guarantee it.
  12. lol hmk tho

    1. Sora
    2. Soul Eater Evans
    3. Exiblade7


      I guess i'm the only person in the world who likes HMK I guess.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. Sorry should of made my EPIC THEORY more clear. I put Sora's age in KH1 is 14, it's not too clear though, sorry about that.
  14. All you people being naysayers and saying KH3 won't be at TGS haven't opened up your minds and deeply analysed ALL THE HINTS WE HAVE GOTTEN. The T in TGS..... what do we know what has a T in its name.... Kingdom HearTs Now the G and S... now refer to the picture below Goofy... G Sora.... S GO AWAY DONALD YOU'RE RUINING MY THEORY Now the 14 in 2014... How old was Sora in KH1 (not his current age now but in KH1) where we begun and KH3 where be where we end this current saga?... 14 years old.. the current year is also 2014 THERE YOU HAVE IT GUYZ THIS IS 100% LEGIT PROOF THAT KH3 WIL B AT TGZZZZ this seems like an actual theory HMK would believe and do a video on..
  15. KH1:8/10 KH2:9/10 RE:COM/COM:6.5 Days: 5/10 BBS: 9/10 RE:CODED: 7/10 DDD: 8/10 It's hard to give these games a rough score since there are things I enjoy and dislike about all of them which a number can't really convey but these are my 'rough' opinions on each game if I had to score them.
  16. Oh shush. His VA is fine. Aqua and Terra on the other hand... oh jeez.
  17. Kingdom Hearts 3 and Knuckles.

    1. Forever


      Kingdom Hearts 3 and Mephiles. :O

  18. The only small glimmer of hope is that Square Enix have not said that it won't be at the show (Like they said that KH3 and FFXV wouldn't be at E3 prior) but it's looking more and more unlikely.
  19. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=128319806 Interesting topic to browse through, all the developments which have happened in the gaming world since FFXV/Versus 13s announcement. It was in 2006 I believe, since I'm 18 now I would of been 10/11 when this game was announced.. oh my god.
  20. "Used New 3DS" That whole phrase makes my head go
  21. Kind of reflects how I feel. I don't like all these revisions of the 3DS and that this has been announced to have exclusive titles, it's pretty much saying screw you to the people who have bought the handheld recently. Still I know Nintendo have done this before with the DSI and GBC but I still don't like the idea of it. I haven't upgraded my 3DS yet so I'll probably get this eventually but it sucks for those who do and I still don't like this practice of revising the handheld constantly but meh, should be alright.
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