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Everything posted by Geotrix

  1. Ryoshima Coast's theme might be one of the best overworld themes in any game.

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      All of Okami's themes are the best. I CRIED seas in the battle against Yami, wehn people started praying. I really cried. A game made me cry.

    2. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      Much beautiful, so Okami, very want more games like that one.

  2. Star Wars wouldn't be that out of place as a world (considering Port Royale before, but that world was terrible) But I'd rather Star Wars appear in terms of Keyblade designs, summons and heck Gummi Ships (X-WING Gummi Ship pls.)
  3. Most likely, I already have a PS4 and even though I'm not the biggest FF fan (not in terms of disliking the series, I just haven't played a lot of them) FFXV interests me from what I've seen. So I'm gonna try!
  4. Whilst it would be nice, the games really not that appealing to me. Quite a boring point and click browser game with not much input. Plus petitions rarely work. I'm probably just being bitter. I'll sign it anyway, just for people who do.
  5. It would be a bad twist IMO. Why would Aqua turn to darkness when all she is fighting for is restoring the light, it would seem like a silly twist just to add some fake drama to something which undermines someones character.
  6. RE:Coded gets way too much hate. It's a fun game in its own right, implementing the command board and making for a fun time. Some of the world gimmicks are bland and annoying (like the turn-based olympus) but apart from that it's fun. The most common complaint with this game is the story and I don't find it THAT offensive since its a retread of KH1s story pretty much. Sure it's unnecessary but I'd rather an unnecessary story than a bad/boring one (which in my opinion is Days)
  7. I prefer the remastered OSTS. Makes a lot of tracks sounding a lot cleaner and nicer. Heck the remastered 2.5 ost can improve tracks such as this.
  8. Release date for FFXV (they really need too at this point) For KH3, I'M HOPING AN IN GAME GAMEPLAY DEMONSTRATION (early on) But since we're being realistic... An interview or CGI trailer.
  9. I'm hoping a new KH3 trailer will be at TGS this year. I'm doubtful at this point but even just something. Late 2015 AT THE EARLIEST for KH3. Yasue said 2015 will be the year of KH3 so news at D23 does seem possible but its been over a year since its announcement and I would of liked to see at least early in game gameplay by now.
  10. Uncle Iroh is like the best character in anything ever.

    1. Shana09


      ....Leaves from the vine


    2. Cucco


      falling so slow

    3. Gamerazor247


      Badgers moles coming toward me, come on guys help me out...

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  11. Yeah and only he can climb certain trees to reach items. Goofy could smack stuff with his shield to get new stuff. Just optional things where different characters can use abilities to get some cool new items would be nice to see.
  12. Thing is Co-Op didn't work very well in Shadow. In fact ALOT of things didn't work in Shadow . But in terms of main game of KH3 it could work but I'd rather it be a seperate multiplayer/co op from the main game rather than implementing it in the main game.
  13. Totally agree. I would not like playable characters which affect the plot aside from Sora as this could get muddled if not done correctly. Perhaps like GTA there could be an open world kind of feel to each world when you complete them in which you can switch to a different character with different abilities so they can go to different areas which have perhaps new optional heartless, items, keyblades etc.
  14. I'll give it a shot, but if not later down the line I'll probably pre-order 2.5 anyway.
  15. You know, I would of preferred Days a lot more if Axel sung " You never had a friend like me"
  16. Already played this on PS3 so I don't really see the need to buy this on PS4. Still I guess it's nice for people who missed out on the PS3 version.
  17. Or for business terms, Money.
  18. The beta did intrigue me when I played it and I liked your analysis of it. It does seem to have the typical MMO issues where the extra side missions lack variety and boil down to "KILL X amount of enemies for me" But apart from that it had a very nice atmosphere and nice gun play to boot as well. I don't know If I'm actually gonna purchase the game, but the beta did interest me more in it to say the least.
  19. Welcome, enjoy it here! I'm usually on the chat so feel free to chat with me!
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