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Everything posted by Lalalablah

  1. That last one is awesome
  2. can a tv show change your sexual orientation

    1. Cucco
    2. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      @cucco you're beautiful, what pink lips

    3. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Ghost, Bang Shishigami is way more attractive than Rachel ._.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  3. Best topic I've seen on this site in a while I absolutely despise that word and whenever I hear/see people using it I cringe.
  4. your signature (♥‿♥)

    1. MyDixieRect


      Haha, of course you'd have the perfect face for it, I love it! xD

  5. When I first joined this site I thought everybody said it by choice lol
  6. http://imgur.com/0RU2Il1 my cat's face made me laugh
    1. MasterRoxas13


      Just photoshop that pic of your cat then make it into a hip hop album. The album is going to be called , "Litter box thugs".

    2. 『R』


    3. Lalalablah


      Lmfao that catnip comment and the one about the litterbox thugs were perfect I'm actually laughing

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. You and I will be good friends, Mounir ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. I'm afraid of being unsuccessful in the future. More specifically I'm afraid of not having enough money, not being happy, getting trapped in a job I hate, etc. I have big goals for my life and if I ultimately fail to accomplish them I will feel awful
  9. I just had the most brilliant idea for a weird drawing of Mickey and Riku oh god

  10. Don't apologize it's fineYou can make a gif with Photoshop or certain websites. Just look up how because I'm sure there are sites or tutorials that can explain it way better than I canFor example here's a gif making site that uses a videohttps://imgflip.com/gifgenerator
  11. I have never heard of tumblirs before
  12. Everyone has their moments, however I'd say you're none of the above things you mentioned even though we don't know each other extremely well. From what I've seen you seem funny and pretty nice.
  13. My friend got drunk for the first time at college, I'm so proud :')

    1. Keyblader_95


      #SoLet'sDrinkThatShitz *vinyl scratching before starting the Music*

    2. Lalalablah
    3. Keyblader_95


      #CanIHaveThisDance? *gentleman accent*

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. topics like these make my entire day, ur a beautiful soul
  15. Should I buy AC Black Flag or Watch Dogs?

    1. AwesomeKHfan


      I shall try AC2 the fans say it is the best in the series but you started with AC4 so it is not a great idea to do have fun with AC4

    2. Lalalablah


      I didn't start with AC4 I've played everyone before except for AC3

    3. Lalalablah


      And I agree AC2 was the best

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  16. 1. the entire script of Mean Girls 2. "Oh, please, tell me, Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a f***?" -Donnie Darko
  17. Skype username is on my profile as well, this will give me an excuse to actually use skype for once haha
  18. Cool signature

    1. roxion


      Oh, thank you very much!

    2. Lalalablah


      You're welcome :)

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