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Everything posted by Lalalablah

  1. Hi welcome to the site Hope you have fun
  2. I like the style you have, it's a really nice drawing
  3. Lol it must've been fun drawing some of those
  4. I laughed so hard when I read that snowplow sentence looool Anyway I totally agree with you, I think it'd be fun
  5. Yeah I want a T rating. A kiss between the two of them would be pretty rad Also I think minimal blood would be cool in a cutscene with Sora fighting an enemy and he gets cut (or if anybody gets cut I don't care lol)
  6. Lmao I like this better than the serious fanfics actually
  7. my teacher last year was a cosplayer and went to raves I wish I got to know her better lol

    1. Sora


      LOOL one of my teachers worked part time as a bar tender and had a lot of interesting stories to share

    2. Keyblader_95


      Wish I had such teachers

  8. Pence

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gamerazor247


      That was a little stale.. Horny flatter-er

    3. MasterRoxas13


      I agree I was rushing and I was trying to muti- task while someone was talking to me so I pretty much forgot what I was originally was going to say. it was much funnier and less pervey, but I was pervey with almost everybody else ( even through this one was the worst)I am not sure if I should make a better one , its all up to Lalalablah if she wants me to replace that rap or not.

    4. Lalalablah


      amazing haha tbh anything written for me I'll love

    5. Show next comments  27 more
  9. Wait what I didn't even realize it was in theaters already I am behind on the times jeez
  10. I got to play Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64 all day ahha so I'm really happy
  11. KH-Jungle King KH2-Star Seeker BBS-Treasure Trove
  12. Looool I don't remember but I think the person I married was just like "oh wheres baby" But I know what you mean he goes all over town like what if some creep kidnapped the baby or it fell into the river??? And you know that field of grass behind the barn? MY BABY GOT LOST IN THAT TOO lololol
  13. I have a hm story too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)In Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life, I take my child and leave him outside by a tree where he stays until bedtime because of a glitch And in the Sims my baby caught on fire once I don't think I should ever be a parent
  14. I like how much more active the site is with this contest, but the quality of these extra posts is lacking in most cases. I like the idea of a drawing contest or anything else that tests the creativity and talent of the users here.
  15. I'm replaying Banjo Kazooie and I forgot how frustrating Clanker's Cavern is lol

    1. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      at least eventually reaching Click Clock Wood is worth it

    2. Zachy1993


      Never really cared for those games...

    3. Isaix


      I still don't own this game for some reason,I know its amazing and I saw it at a store at a really good price,but I never bought it.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  16. Hero of Light XIV pretty much wrote everything I was gonna say I tend to dislike any fan with a superiorty complex. The crazy soriku and akuroku shippers get annoying too. I mean I have no problem if you ship them (I used to when I was younger lol) but when you try and declare it as canon you're going waaay too far lol. And then there are the people who think the "side" games don't matter
  17. My friend didn't want to go to school one week and licked all the doorknobs in her house. She was sick within a few days haha
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