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Everything posted by Drones

  1. I know this will be criticized but... -Dragon Ball - this was the first anime I ever saw on Toonami and I will admit it is very bad. Not because of the animation (which is actually not their fault considering the technology they used) nor the dialogue, but the plot. While it has virtually no plot and is powered by bad jokes and battles of epic proportions, it is still my favorite anime. I believe I only like it because of the fights which no other anime can compare to. I have seen many that people claim are better than Dragon Ball in this aspect and they are dreadful. -One Piece - my second favorite anime and this is due to how well written it is. Now if only it was well animated... -Naruto - as a fan of Naruto for 10 years I have to say it was a well written anime that had great character development, excitement, good animation, and all of that good shit but where has all of that gone now... -Bleach - bleach's story is based off of twists and random spur of the moment points, it really is inconsistent but what I like about it more than any of the anime listed above it is the characters. The fights are all epic as well. -Yugioh - had at least 300 cards at one point, nuff' said.
  2. Well when I first played Kingdom Hearts in 2002 I was living it. I think I saw the game in these cheap Disney magazines that ran out of stock 7 years ago. I thought the game was amazing and to be honest, it was. They introduced a boy named Sora along with Final Fantasy X characters (a game I played the same year) and then started showing Donald Duck and Goofy. So I thought I would be very familiar with the game but man was I wrong... the title doesn't really give a hint as to what it's about. Sora's keyblade was pretty much a green lantern ring in which he was one of the few people in the universe to wield it's power. After beating the game I literally could not complain about it at all as it was flawless. The other games in the series can not even compare.
  3. I remember this happened to me. I had to clean the eye with alcohol and cotton swabs.
  4. I've never bought a Nintendo disc that caused memory leaks yet. Only PlayStation 3 games like Black Ops 2 and another have memory leaks, I don't know why this problem is more common with PlayStation games than with Nintendo games.
  5. HAHAHAHA. You must have never played a Sony console before. You're implying that me treating my consoles other than right has to do with its horribly made hardware and terrribly written software, correct? Well I've been using a GameBoy AC adapter for 15 years while my PSP has encountered four in its life time, each of which broke in a matter of 10 months to a year. When I l attempt to sign into PSN it fails from time to time and tells me a hundred incorrect errors such as DHCP and DNS despite the fact that my PS4 can connect to PSN without a problem. Not to mention the possessed controller. None of these problems have to do with "treating" it. Come on man.
  6. My worst experience so far is the possessed PS3 controller which presses buttons on its on. Sony is known for making shitty consoles.
  7. Yeah this would fit Kingdom Hearts III perfectly. An Advent Children based keyblade war would be truly epic.
  8. His fight with them is not canon and none of them are using their full strength like in their respective universes. Even if you argue that they're nerfed to exist in the Kingdom Hearts universe, Cloud and Sephiroth had a battle of epic proportions in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 (even though only 2 was canon). I am referring to cutscenes but don't get me wrong, the gameplay for boss battles could use all of the improvements I mentioned.
  9. Obviously. The only fight I know of that involved levitation was the world of darkness (is that what it's called?) and Sora was in fact using levitation but that's not being implemented into cutscenes... at least Kingdom Hearts II had a fight scene for the final boss battle.
  10. With all of these topics on what people wish to see in Kingom Hearts III, what the game needs is more diversity and style in combat. I know this is not an anime series but it has 300x more cutscenes than any other video game I've played so they should improve on combat. The keyblade wielders fight too much like casual humans when they actually can use magic, unlock doors, travel to different worlds/universes, etc. There is very little levitation used in combat, if not any. All off the battles are ground based, which is fine, but aerial combat should be in cutscenes considering it is an ability that every character you play as has. More destruction from strikes with the keyblade and magic would look amazing. Another way to improve on combat is with speed, if the characters can clash faster and teleport it would make the fights more interesting and intense. I feel like all keyblade wielders are laggy humans with giant key-shaped blades restricted to the ground. It definitely would not be a stretch if Kingdom Hearts characters could fight on par with one of the Final Fantasy universes. Perhaps this is too dark for a simple Disney game, but in the first game, keyblades were like green lantern rings in which only a few people from the universe/multiverse had the power to wield. For this reason they should fight like warriors rather than mere humans. I really hope Nomura improves on this with Kingdom Hearts III. Combat scenes are definitely lacking in the series.
  11. While I like the idea, it's possible keyblade transformations will replace drive forms.
  12. I said you make this topic everyday and they deleted it for some reason.
  13. What was the point in giving him a second keyblade again, to explain why he was able to use one in the first place? Didn't he steal Riku's keyblade because he had a stronger heart than him? If that's the case, why give him another keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 2? He wasted a game explaining this, correct me if I'm wrong this shit isn't easy to remember.
  14. I don't know what you mean.... why would they release a PS2 game in Japan? I thought this would be about The Bouncer.
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