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Everything posted by Drones

  1. It's natural to bring up grammar when you're not doing well in a discussion. I'll PM you sure, explain to me how a PS5 could become a workstation PC. This is an example of workstation PC vs PS4. This is the KH3 trailer they showed us versus the actual KH3 game.
  2. You think by talking technoblabble that most people here don't understand and that you don't that you know what you're talking about. No high end PC can produce graphics on Pixar's level. Not even on the first Toy Story's level from 20 years ago. The computers that can run graphics like Pixar movies are referred to as super computers and some of the best GPUs (GTX 980 for example) are nearly three times worse than those computers. AMD will never make graphics cards for the PS5 near the level of the movie cards lol. Did you really mean to say the PS4 is close to a high end PC by the way? The PS4 is close to a PC from 2010 that's hardly even mid tier. The PS4 doesn't even have a GPU technically it's an APU. The PS5 would be like $10000 if it's a workstation computer. If you want a super computer which is what they use for Pixar, $1,000,000+++++ and they take up the whole room. But we'll assume you didn't want the graphics to be THAT good for your own sake. This is the type of shit Pixar uses: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814105024&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Workstation+Graphics+Cards-_-N82E16814105024&gclid=CjwKEAiAg_CnBRDc1N_wuoCiwyESJABpBuMXuoh8lnk3q8LFt_bfHRq5JTBf-T5gwm4vOocn6vosnxoCDifw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds You seem to enjoy having no idea what you're talking about.
  3. You gotta be kidding me. The PS4 could never dream of pixar level graphics. By the time consoles have those type of graphics it will be 2045 at least.
  4. School was cool man you had wannabe gangstas that slew crack in the bathrooms and brought guns and knives to the building. We would always turn up in that bitch, one thing I liked.
  5. Perhaps if the PS4 wasn't so lower mid tier in comparison to PC video cards it could look like that.
  6. I thought this was pretty obvious but some people think otherwise. I just made this so you guys don't get the wrong impression anymore.
  7. You know this is a bit of a necro. But Master Xehanort compares to Aizen more so than any other villain in the HST. Let's look at the facts here: Both are dark, callous, ruthless villains who desire rule over multiple universes Both planned everything from the start. They hatched some of the most evil schemes ever, so evil that many writers from other video games and manga can look at as inspiration for their story Both had fail-safe plans. Aizen's been plotting another scheme against the Soul King his two years in prison. We'll see him return soon. Both are very difficult to kill. Xehanort has many incarnations and Aizen is immortal. Both are willing to kill anyone in their way. Both use their subordinates as tools of war. Both use others to gain more strength. Both will recruit anyone with power they deem a threat or exceptional. Both have indomitable will. Both believe in re-shaping their respective multiverses. Both stayed true to their goals and their beliefs. God the list goes on... personally I believe they are two of the best villains ever made in the 21st century Obito, Pain, none of those characters are dark and all turned out to be good. Dark villains such as Aizen and Xehanort do not. It's funny how the story with Disney characters that is supposed to be more fun-loving has a much darker main antagonist than stories like Naruto.
  8. He should NOT continue a gay emo search for Riku like Naruto did for Sasuke He should NOT be so cocky with anyone relevant wielding keyblades He should NOT be so sentimental he's restoring peace to multiple universes He should NOT be so welcoming and oblivious to people who exist in movies that were not made for little kids
  9. I'm guessing this post was a joke lol three games on one disc is a rip-off unless they're 1-2 generations old. You must have been kidding. They would never squeeze their latest Kingdom Hearts games on to one disc and even if they did, no one would even buy it.
  10. Is this news? Anyone that thought FFXV was coming out this year... come on. There's not even a good chance it will come out next year.
  11. With everyone having keyblades? Even less than before. With every game she's become less and less important, she'll be entirely irrelevant now since anyone can solo her and her army now.
  12. Another firetruck up I guess. No idea, the fact that I didn't realize it means they can get away with it.
  13. What if you would stop feeding this troll.
  14. This literally makes no sense. I thought this would be about a release date.
  15. Proof? Besides the fact that they haven't even thought about any of that, they just switched the game's engine.
  16. I prefer playing games on my console rather than PC even though the PC is superior. Problem?
  17. I would like to give props to member altiris for making an account for the sole purpose of necroposting in response to my mere preference of console.

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