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Scattered Dream

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Everything posted by Scattered Dream

  1. Rachel hurried into the castle just in time to hear about the recon team returning.. Finally! Maybe she would have something to do.
  2. Charlex was a bit disappointed in herself. She had brought mostly ice magic, but only two of each other type, and she didn't know this mystery persons weaknesses. She summoned her Mage nobodies and made sure her spells were all easily at hand. Her fighting style usually used distance as an advantage, and so she decided to wait for Varxin to move before attacking.
  3. Then- "Um, guys, we had five mass prison breakouts in the last three days. Could you-" "Xehanort is escaping!!! NOOO!!!"
  4. Trial and error. Let panosgate go first, if they fail you know what not to do, if they succeed then bribe them with cookies till they share.
  5. Charlex used her ice spell as a shield and then caught the paper. She ran possibilities through her head. A nobody artist was uncommon, but not unheard of. His smile made her uneasy, and if he was as he said, he had no need to run off the roof like that, and could have just told them. Also, he had summoned a weapon and used a magic attack, a bad move for someone trying to earn trust, but... If he was telling the truth attacking him would be betraying the organisation. She handed Varxin the paper, unsure what to do.
  6. I think there is a rule against getting rid of Disney characters. Too bad.
  7. We can sacrifice him to the Vanitases too! See the Vanitas in organisation 13 thread!!! just kidding, that would be sad.
  8. Probably more like Captain Jack Sparrow did with William Turner, teaming up in order to reach their own goals.
  9. No joke, I can see him pretending to be some sort of god of darkness or something and making everyone give him sacrifices. You could go first!
  10. If only we could make them die for real... Silly Disney. Well, maybe Maleficent decides to try to cover the world in darkness by using the data scape again, and because it isn't collapsing this time, we lock them in.
  11. I can't see them labeling it, maybe showing a scene and not telling us where it is from, but it would still be pretty obvious... nice idea!!!
  12. Roxas from inside Soras heart- not a moron, just a bit... Yep, moron.
  13. yes to the first one!!! But yeah, even if I like it I doubt it would happen.
  14. I think you might have jinxed it by saying that. Oh noes! 13 evil Vanitases running around trying to ruin people's lives! They might actually achive something! :0
  15. It just wouldn't be the same without him running around trying to ruin people's lives and failing miserably.
  16. Ok, so then how would you set up the next story without using a cliffhanger?
  17. Good point, but some of the spin off games have cliffhangers ( ex- days) so they are clearly not above it.
  18. "Oh please. He is wearing our coat yet is not one of us, at least not anymore." Charlex pointed out, "Can you spell out traitor in any more obvious a way?" She summoned her keyblade.
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