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Scattered Dream

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Everything posted by Scattered Dream

  1. Finished the appearance for Charlex. I think it is added as an attached file, but I can't see it.
  2. Probably Micky, Donald, Goofy, Ven, Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Riku, Kairi, possibly Yen Sid... You know, everyone.
  3. (Charlex has pockets in her gloves where she carries throwing star/ mirrors. She glanced at the mirror, saw Slothix, and threw four of the projectiles at him. Ohs, wrong person. Ah we'll, an explanation can't hurt.)
  4. Charlex nodded and kept looking around, making sure to keep her eyes on the roof. Scratches, a few empty pots... There was nothing new. She resisted the instinct to spin around as she heard a portal open behind them. She slid her hands together, pulling out a mirror and throwing it at the person behind her, following it with three more. The mirrors, shaped into razor sharp throwing stars, had shown her a traitor.
  5. "Thanks." Said Charlex as she looked around. Only scratches here, which could be explained by the heartless and the sandstorm. It was time to move on.
  6. "That sounds great. The scaffolding has less cover than the roofs, and I have not met this group there, but I will stay alert." Rachel looked up at the roof before climbing. There were two fire plants, but she had equipped five blizzagas before they left. She dodged past a fireball and used the ice spell on one of the flowers, following it up with a few blows from her keyblade. One down, one to go.
  7. "Good point, but I have used the scaffolding allot recently to avoid Jafars people. Is there another route we could use beside scaffolding and alleys? I know indoors is off limits... Do you want to try the roofs?" Questioned Charlex.
  8. I know this is contraversial, but I think Riku is going to die. It would make sense, in the end I get the feeling that Sora will end up being isolated, he gets his strength from others, but he needs to learn to stand alone. Riku has been looking out for him forever, they are good friends, so if Riku died Sora would be crushed.
  9. "Stealth without a doubt." Replied Charlex. "For all we know the other group could be here right now. I think we could handle them, but at this point they know more about us than we know of them, and that could be dangerous." She climbed up onto the scaffolding.
  10. Charlex nodded and opened a dark portal. As she stepped through she noticed that most of the sand was gone, but the scaffolding was still up, probably because wall repairs were unfinished. Good, that would make it easier to travel unseen. She turned to Varxin. "Shall we start at the enterance of the city and work our way up to the palace?"
  11. Charlex turned s she entered the grey area, noticing Varxin behind her. " I am heading out to Agraba to check for more interference. Would you like to join me?" She asked.
  12. Charlex knocked on Xersens door, waiting for a reply before she entered. "I have just returned from the beasts castle. There are definate signs of infiltration from some group besides the organisation. Lowered heartless and nobody guard population, and a broken crate in the passage behind the grand enterance. There was also an unfamiliar sigil on the door to the passage. That was all." She walked out. There was recon to be done in Agraba, and while she hated recon, someone had to do it. Maybe the heartless levels would be higher there.
  13. Name: Charlex Age: 15 Group: Organisation Keyblade Weilder: yes Weapon: A keyblade with an angel wing at the hilt and point, cloud patterns that spiral around the main blade. Appearance: long blue silver hair pulled back into a ponytail with a short layer on top that falls down int bangs. Org. cloak and outfit. Gender: Female Bio: Charlex was originally Rachel, a girl who lost her heart because of her devotion to the light. Charlex now serves the Organisation with the same devorion, even if Kingdom Hearts might restore her bipolarity. Sorry if it's too late to join.
  14. I agree with Kishira. Roxas and Naminé hardly met each other. Besides, Roxas spent his entire existence trying to be his own person. Liking Naminé just because it mirrors Sora's actions completely goes against that. I like Roxas and Xion together because they knew each other and have helped each other out of difficult situations, even going so far as to stand up to superiors. Also, Xion is an imperfect replica of Roxas, she only has his abilities and link to Sora, making them separate people.
  15. But at the end of KH3, i just want to see all of the trios together in their special places again. Sora, Riku, and Kairi staring at the sunset reflecting its scarlet rays upon the waves; Roxas, XIon, and Axel eating ice cream at the clock tower again; and Aqua, Ventus, and Terra just sitting or chilling wherever they go since the land of departure is gone forever...just for the feels. That is a fantastic idea!!!
  16. It was also at least heavily implied at the end of DDD when... I think it was Donald, said that Riku had been very busy, and then Riku comes to Yen Sid with Kairi, saying that she can use a keyblade.
  17. Rachel really wished she could do something to help, but Ignis was right, training would be important if she was to be ready when the forces of light and dark collided. No help was needed anyway, Ignis had sent out Tachitito, Crix, and many other skilled light keyblade weilders. Tachitito Rachel had met when she was younger. He was incredibly skilled in using light even back then. Of course, Rachel had been quite different then. No one from before would recognize her now. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.
  18. "My, my Rachel," he says "how much you have grown since leaving. You have indeed taken your training to a new level. Bravo! That skill is what every warrior of light should have and that will be needed in the upcoming conflict. I want you to still pactice to stay on your toes." Rachel nods in obedience and continues training. Rachel decided to practice limit break on targets, working on concentrating the blow as her opponent had.
  19. (I am going to be gone for a week, so Kage will come in later.)
  20. (I am going to be gone till Saturday. During that time Rachel will be training to turn limit break into final limit.)
  21. "Excuse me sir!" Shouted Cindi, finally catching up to the postman, "I have an extra potion. Do you want it?"
  22. Rachel decided to fight with a man not too much older than her. Of course she knew age could be deceiving, but she had chosen him because he looked formidable. She estimated that he would be agile and fast, and he didn't disappoint her. Everything was going fine until about halfway through the fight. By then she had figured out how skilled her opponent was at targets. He hadn't hit many times yet, Rachel was good at dodge rolls, but when he did he did a great job of focusing his power into one well chosen spot. But as she had raised her keyblade for an attack, she felt her mind begin to quicken. Oh crabcakes, not now! she thought, I guess I will have to finish this before any symptoms show through. I need to get control. So Rachel had let him land a blow on her left. She faked retreat to get him in closer, and activated limit break, an ability she had discovered through elemental training. Hers was a blast of white fire that went out in every direction, close range so that she wouldn't blow the place up, only 5 feet. After four more blasts the fight was over, and suddenly she remembered, she hasn't even asked for his name. She mentally slapped herself for being so rude. Well, he hadn't asked either.
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