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Everything posted by Moochieh32

  1. The trailer listed as "TAPE-3: Resident Evil" was shown at Playstation Experience 2016. What do you guys think of the upcoming survival horror game? Will any of you be playing the final demo tonight? If so, which system: PS4, PS4Pro and/or PSVR? Time to play this with lights out, alone and be scared as hell.
  2. RE7 looks so good, even if the new trailer wasn't much to show. They've been doing that since the day they announced the game. The last demo to Beginning Hour is huge and will be available tonight. Who else is playing? :D

  3. Can't wait to see RE7 :D

  4. Resident Evil 7 definitely. Just saw the recent gameplays and the more they reveal for the game, the more it looks exciting. It's already feeling like Resident Evil 1 only in first person. With this, there might be a new demo for the game released tomorrow, so that adds to the hype. While I am excited for 2.8 and FF7R, I'm more eager to see RE7. It looks pretty scary as hell, and I'm obsessed with survival horror
  5. Noctis and Ignis are in 70% of the photos together... what's going on here?

    1. Moochieh32


      And some more... I'm telling you, something is up between those two lol

    2. Moochieh32


      Ah, I didn't get that option yet. If anything, I'd love to see more of Cindy Kappa

    3. Moochieh32


      There's even one where Ignis looks like he's about to tickle Noctis xD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Cosplayed with Xemnas, just because... Just because...what?...Nothing? I'm terrable at jokes, I'm sorry.
  7. I finally got Day One edition of FFXV and can't wait to play it :) that Kingdom Hearts reference though!

  8. Which FFXV version did everybody get? I ended up getting the Deluxe Edition, thinking it came with the Season Pass... turns out no. Only in the Digital edition and on PSStore. :( I hate DLC

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Moochieh32


      I've decided to return the Deluxe Edition and get Day One edition instead. I just hope it will be available in store the day after release. Day Two edition xD I got WoFF Day One edition a few days ago, and heard some copies of FFTYPE-0 Day One still available at Walmart.

    3. Geralt


      Awesome. Glad you figured out what you wanted. :D And it should be available still. I'm seeing it on Square Enix's site as still available. When I bought Metal Gear Solid V, a day or two after it was released, it was still the day one edition that they were selling over at Best Buy where I got it. So I think you should be good.

    4. Moochieh32


      I just thought the Deluxe would come with Season Pass, but I found out you have to buy the SP separately. I know I should've checked before, I just assumed that it would come with the special edition like most other games do. Thanks for the information and hope everyone is enjoying FFXV ^^

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  9. I wonder if there'll be any Kingdom Hearts easter eggs in FFXV :D

    1. MythrilMagician


      I wouldn't count on it.

    2. Xiro


      Stop hiding all the eggs for yourself Iggy

    3. MythrilMagician
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. I would assume yes. If they will give KH3D a trophy list, then I can see Back cover getting one too. I don't know about BbS0.2 though...
  11. That sucks... was hoping it'd be the same length as 358/2 Days. As long as it's interesting I know the graphics are going to look fantastic so really can't argue much.
  12. The chemistry between Noctis, Gladio, Prompto and Ignis in combat, the music and story are really what I'm digging for. I chose everything though because why not?
  13. So my friend just bought FFXV Day One edition at a nearby Walmart. I'm planning to go :D

    1. Moochieh32


      Nvm, I'm too busy lol I'm gonna get it tomorrow, hopefully they don't run out of stock :(

    2. Moochieh32


      I know xD but I don't have enough time to get it ;_; let's just hope they don't start disappearing from the shelves by tomorrow... the rage will be real.

    3. Moochieh32


      What version of the game are you getting dude?

  14. I actually wish we went back to year 2013 when the hype for FFXV & KH3 went ballistic. I'm gonna miss waiting for FFXV :( the whole wait felt like an actual experience. Same thing will go for KH3.

    1. Xiro


      10 years tho

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      What an adventure has it been, am i right?

  15. Moana event only has 1 avatar board available, which is Moana herself. No Maui unfortunately. Moana also isn't purchaseable. She can be obtained by collecting event coins by completing the event quests and using them towards purchasing nodes on her board.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving

  17. I can agree, Young Eraqus and Luxu's voice are nearly identical sounding. But also... That last line, "But you knew that, didn't you?" had me thinking... Eraqus seems pretty close to his Master, and Xehanort seems suspicious of this, like he's been observing their relationship for quite a while. Just by looking at the scene with MoM and Luxu in the 2.8 trailer, what if Master of Masters is Eraqus and Xehanort's Master, and Luxu is Eraqus? If not Eraqus, then someone related to him. Xehanort's line shows us that Eraqus has been hiding something, and his secret "watch the world perish" relationship with his Master was the secret perhaps? There are still lots to think about, and this could be or could not be true, but I have a gut feeling. Luxu could either be Eraqus himself, if not, more likely someone related to Eraqus in some way.
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