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Everything posted by Moochieh32

  1. Replays the "Don't Think Twice" video over 500 times- still going.

  2. Happy New Year. *cheers some apple cider* Hope this year can shine brighter than the most previous years.

  3. Want to wish everyone here a great Merry Christmas

  4. Awesome submission 0.2, KH3D, and BackCover, with a foreshadow of KH3 in the middle. Looks like from Shiro Amano style too.
  5. Possible, but he could edit certain things to make it look decent. Hey, at least we'll finally have all characters in one box art
  6. Quota, but nice submission dude!
  7. Love the combat and love the music. Just playing the first hour (only got through 2 hours of the game) made me feel like I'm playing another Kingdom Hearts game but with a different story and setting.
  8. I see Sora as more of a teamwork kind of guy, rather than doing moves on his own. So Trinity would fit best. However, there's no Donald or Goofy, therfore, no Trinity, unless it'd be like Trinity from Re:CoM. Other than that, they'd probably go with an attack that stands out from the other Champions in the game, so I'd say Ragnarok or Sonic Blade. Nearly all Champion medals use hack and slash so these two attacks aren't as visually similar.
  9. You forgot one screenshot at the end where a person's brain explodes. Jk, this is a pretty good visual.
  10. A CG trailer that starts off on Chi/Unchained/Backcover, goes through the rest of the series and then ends with a brief few seconds of 3 where Sora and gang are shown going against Xehanort and his allies, then cue KINGDOM HEARTS 3 logo.
  11. No. You're ours forever, muahaha. Jk, welcome to the site. You're welcome anytime. Love your sig btw. Larxene
  12. Uh... just stumbled upon a really weird conversation in WoFF... In Nibelheim, where a guy asks you to "practice with him" while the camera zooms to a sign in Japanese, then cuts to the guy who smiles. What the hell???

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Felixx, u thought I wouldn't read this right?


      Pls b quite

    3. Felixx


      Wat? Just stating the truth mate ;)

    4. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
  13. Congrats to KH13 making it to 20k Followers on Twitter! :D

  14. I forgot KH3 could have a model too and indeed it is. I'm only interest in themed systems if they're Kingdom Hearts related only
  15. Holy crap. I didn't get the Pro and wasn't really planning to... Now if this is coming to US, I'm definitely going to get this ;_;
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