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Everything posted by kingdomheartsfan1993

  1. Is there anyone still up that feels like chatting?? We can talk about anything movies,tv shows, video games, etc.;
  2. Sigh why am I always up so late?

  3. Lol can you guys imagine how Ven would react to seeing Roxas; he already has a dark half that looks exactly like Sora so he would probably faint or just have no words when he sees someone that looks exactly like him
  4. This thought has been on my mind for a while though but for the world's whose keyholes were already sealed (Traverse Town, Deep Jungle, Wonderland,etc) and the worlds that were destroyed but brought back didn't need to have their keyholes sealed so my question is with how powerful Xehanort can he unlock all of the keyholes again or because Sora sealed them/they became hidden securely are they completely sealed
  5. No problem and yea I should have been more specific what I mean was what basically everyone else is saying about having more NPCS out in the areas
  6. Since it's going to be released on a next gen. console and slightly more advanced technology do you guys think that they can show a lot more NPCS??
  7. Just wanted to see if there were any fellow Kingdom Hearts fans like myself that are from Louisiana and feels like chatting
  8. Oh my god who watches Walking Dead and wants to talk about it with in my inbox; last night was insane!

  9. Just wanted to know if there were any cool Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, or gaming fans in general that are from Louisiana and maybe want to hang out or something
  10. I have such odd sleeping patterns -.-

    1. A mystery

      A mystery

      You should try to regulate your sleeping patterns, because having an irregular sleeping pattern is bad for you.

  11. Yeah it is somewhat confusing AntonioKHT but you've helped cleared up things a little bit better
  12. Just curious does anyone think that Square will put Final Fantasy worlds in KH3 or in any of the future titles?? (For some reason it could work because I still don't think that all of the Final Fantasy characters that live in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden are originally from there like Cloud,Tifa, Leon, etc. and maybe some of them lost their memories) what do you guys think?
  13. Woah nothing's wrong with having an opinion but calling something shit because you don't like it and saying you can probably beat up people not cool man
  14. Okay can anyone tell me how the heck Sora remembered Traverse Town and the Traverse Town/Radiant Garden crew and also how he was able to tell that his islands were just created from his memories but when he went to the other worlds he couldn't tell that it was made from his memories or that he'd been to those places before (excluding Twilight Town)
  15. Near the end of Kingdom Hearts Sora in Hollow Bastion stabs himself with the keyblade that's formed from the Princesses of Heart's hearts and he becomes a heartless (temporarily) and when Kairi hugs him he's back to himself; I have a question though does he have half of his heart, and he didn't get the other half back until the beginning of KH2 when Roxas went back to him or did Ven's heart leave instead (which we all know is why Roxas looks like Ven), or was he half-Heartless or Nobody/ half human??
  16. This thought crossed my mind especially after reading a few Fanfiction but do you think we may see the Nobodies of Disney and/or Final Fantasy Villains (isn't Sephiroth Cloud's nobody he's probably Cloud's heartless though since he said he is the embodiment of his darkness) in KH3 or future titles
  17. Lol I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but when I played the original KH on the PS2 when I was younger the shadows (Heartless type) used to scare me
  18. Those are some pretty good theories; I also think that maybe in the next saga there will be a group of Final Fantasy villains that causes some trouble for Sora and everyone else
  19. Yep; there's so many ways Kingdom Hearts could go about the next saga you know I've read some fan fiction about it and I don't know if they would do this but what if there was a way to fuse the heartless and nobodies without necessarily bringing their original self back??
  20. Okay so we all know after Kingdom Hearts 3 ends then it's the end of the Dark seeker saga and the end of Xehanort who will be the next enemies: will the Disney villains make a comeback, will it be new original characters, or will it be a mixture of both; or how's this for a twist since Darkness and its embodiments were the major threat for the saga what if Light and its embodiments are the next major threat
  21. I've been seeing a lot of things lately about virtual reality like the oculus rift and the virtual reality head set for PS4 so I'm curious do you guys think that virtual reality will get so advanced as to what we see in dot.hack or Sword Art Online
  22. Well I'm not going to sleep anytime soon so I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to talk about Kingdom Hearts, final fantasy, or something
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