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Everything posted by kingdomheartsfan1993

  1. That's true I guess I should've been a little clearer what properties do you think they would mostly be from Disney, Square Enix, or Original worlds?
  2. Just curious but does anyone think that the Realm of Darkness has actual worlds in it like the Realm of Light I'm not talking about in-between worlds or fragments of destroyed worlds and if so what worlds do you think we would see?
  3. I know this has probably been mentioned numerous times but has anyone else wondered about Birth by Sleep's original plot? Based on the secret movie I honestly think it was supposed to be set even further back than 10 years before KH1 and instead of the Unversed could the enemies have been Heartless, or even maybe creatures that deal with the soul?
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss Mag ): I know how you feel I lost my dad to a heart attack about a year and a half ago and I've barely getting through it it honestly never gets easier but at least your dad didn't suffer; sending condolences to you and your family
  5. Haven't been on here in a while so much has happened my Dad died a year ago today..

  6. He's awake and they're doing an MRI on him..

  7. He's awake and they're doing an MRI on him..

  8. Oh my god my Grandpa just collapsed and they're rushing him to the hospital I hope he's okay ):

    1. Caxkj


      We all do, hopefully he'll be alright. :)

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      I hope he makes a speedy recovery!

  9. I love it when it's cold the best time for cuddling..

    1. Sora'sMum


      do you want to cuddle??

  10. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!

  11. Is anyone else experiencing some of the same things I am when they're playing KH 1.5 Remix?? Sometimes the sound cuts off for a second and I also hear some weird noises and one of the sounds sound like an alarm
  12. I'm still wondering what exactly happened to Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella?? Did they die when the Cursed Coach hit them with it's pumpkin bombs or were they just blown away??
  13. Yep the Jabberwocky will apear TimidLight (: it was revealed in a recent spoiler :smile:
  14. Just got Batman Arkham Origins and KH 1.5 Remix yesterday

  15. You guys just flat out said no I just want to know why you think it won't work? Just curious
  16. Would you want there to be a KH game with Dynasty Warriors like gameplay?? (It doesn't have to be a canon game it could be non-canon like Xchi but not completely non-canon it could be canon up until KH2) comment why you think it will or won't work
  17. I understand you need to use it to clean certain things but the smell or clorox makes me want to gag espeically when somehow you can taste the bleach or clorox just by smelling it
  18. Happy Thanksgiving everybody hope you're enjoying yourselves!!

  19. Okay just wanted to share with you guys another crazy theory that went around before BBS came out since people thought Aqua had some type of connection to Kairi that wasn't family-related; some people thought Aqua was not only a keyblade wielder but also Kairi's predecessor as Princess of Heart and that somehow she may have transferred her POH position to her (Kairi)
  20. The 1st Pokemon movie was one of the saddest anime movies in general it was back when I was pretty naive about anime and I thought oh they wouldn't actually kill of a main character well I was wrong (he came back though but it was still pretty sad)
  21. Who else is ready for the Holidays??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlackAceZero777
    3. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      I am so ready. I can't wait to spend time with my family like we should!

    4. Cucco


      I don't know....I honestly don't want to spend time with my family right now

  22. Isn't it funny how the Heartless are still called Heartless even though they technically still have hearts??
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