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EternalReckoning last won the day on July 18 2020

EternalReckoning had the most liked content!

About EternalReckoning

  • Birthday 08/18/1996

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  • Member Title
    The Waiting One....
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  1. This is going to seem really random but it's been something that's actively been popping up for me and I've always felt a bit bad for not doing. About 6 or 7 years ago when I was a teenager I was a very active member on this site and I was part of an absolutely incredible community here full of wonderful people it's something I've never forgotten and something that had a profound effect on me and did help me get through a lot of shit for a couple of years just being able to come on and be part of something as close as this, I'm not sure if it's the same now but it used to be like a second family coming here. Just wanted to take the time to say thank you so much to anyone who remembers and to this site, it wasn't by choice that I had to drop off the site my internet was taken from me when I was about 17 and I've felt bad about falling out of it without saying anything ever since Thank you to anyone who was part of that community and the members I was closest too (especially Xiro, *rikku*, blue Keyblade, RoxSox, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone but the friends list feature wasn't there to check and make sure!) for being such a wonderful part of my teenage life : ) so glad to see this place still doing so well hope you're all still keeping and doing well! : )
  2. No Heart was insane in the original psp version of final mix, you could hardly damage him even if you were maxed out and hes got like 3 times the amount of health he has in the ps3/4 port, loved challenging myself against him
  3. Best of luck man, cant even imagine the things that must be going through your head right now, hope everything turns out okay for you's and everyone else too
  4. That must have taken absolutely ages, always got a JoJo vibe off Xehanort's "Stand"... lol
  5. After mixing up my look a bit since I've gone to college, lovely picture my sister took when we were on our holidays in Austria :biggrin:
  6. Think back to the Kh 1.5 trailer epidemic of 2013... Now blow that up by a thousand lol
  7. Hive of Villanry, Everyones afraid of it, I think its alright
  8. I kind of want to say Zexion, Just got this feeling about him
  9. -drops a tomato cake-

    1. EternalReckoning


      -steps on tomato cake, eats it and drops a fart-

  10. Yeah and the graphics look like they've been touched up a bit since the last releases as well!
  11. Picture of me right before I went to college.
  12. Just got into the course of my dreams today, Animation in one of the best colleges in europe for art and design. Cant genuinely wait Just got into the course of my dreams today, Animation in one of the best colleges in europe for art and design. Cant genuinely wait : D
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V is the bomb, never too old for a children's card game.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi

      But mainly the Wii. He didn't use a D-wheel in the DS games xD

    3. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Yeah, it really BOMBED on that ending huh?

    4. Sendou Aichi

      Sendou Aichi


      Seeing some of my comments make me cringe ;(

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