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Everything posted by JJForever

  1. I'm giving Microsoft one more chance. One more chance to get me to buy their console. Honestly I shouldn't give them another chance at all. I had and still do, although to a lesser extent, have high hopes for the Xbox One. The no used games, fine. Always Online, i'll work around it. To make comments like this though, basically saying if you don't like the Xbox One, up yours, we still have the 360 out there if you don't want to PAY EXTRA MONEY and make EXTRA EFFORTS after you buy our $500 console. Well, from where I stand, why should we? They have given us NO motive for going out and paying $500 (Not including Internet service) to buy a console that more or less has the same potential for gaming as their rival, the Ps4, which is $100 dollars CHEAPER. I honesty don't know if they were expecting Sony's console to be a pushover, or if they're really that stupid. I'm not mad. I'm not. What I am is very disappointed that Microsoft would go about this the way they are. They better announce a new feature that has the same wow factor as pulling a firetrucking bunny rabbit out of the Disc Drive would have, or not only will they lose me, they will lose everyone who is just as dedicated to Microsoft as I am, or was I should say. Time will tell.
  2. Explain to me how the Ps4 is 50% more powerful than the Xbox One, please. If anything, with Microsoft relying so much on cloud power, there's a good chance the Xbox One will eventually surpass the Ps4 both in performance and content. Otherwise, they're equal in terms of how powerful they are.
  3. Is this a real question? It's a button. I swear, if comparing buttons is the future of "Console Wars" I will personally slap each and every person who partakes in it.
  4. I hadn't seen the original Tron when I played KHII, so it was somewhat bearable. Plus it tied into Radiant Garden so it made it a little more interesting. In KH3D it had it's cool parts, but otherwise I thought it was horrible. Which disappointed me because I think it could have been SO much better.
  5. What about when you told me that we don't know where Ven's heart is?
  6. Nah I don't really care to put a signature but thanks anyways
  7. So... It's about midnight here. I just turned 18 Technically I was born around 7:00 P.M. of June 14th... I DON'T GIVE A firetruck THOUGH. Happy Birthday to me.
  8. So I cry sometimes when i'm lyin' in bed, to get it all out, what's in my head and I say HEY! What's goin on?
  9. Only 352 days away!
  10. I haven't had cable for like two years. Don't worry, most everything on TV sucks anyways.
  11. It's in development... They're developing it for the Ps4/Xbox One. So yeah, it's for sure.
  12. Well, considering the power the Ps4 and Xbox One have, and the current circumstances story wise, no doubt KHIII will be the longest KH yet. Plus, we always have the possibility of multiplayer being added, which will add more replay value. Well, i'm not sure if you noticed but their were three playable characters who's stories lasted about 15-18 hours if you didn't rush through it, and got the good commands and took advantage of the command board. That's not even 100% completion.Oh, and their were eleven worlds including Land of Depature, The Keyblade Graveyard, The Mysterious Tower, and The Mirage Arena. Which rivals KHII's amount of worlds.
  13. That will not happen. Its extremely unlikely anyways. I don't think it will sell horrible on the Xbox One, but KHIII for the Ps4 will without a doubt sell better. Even in the near non-exsistant possibility that it did sell better on the Xbox One, Square would only implement exclusivity if they had a death wish. It would be one of the worse decisions in video game history, and Square's not that stupid.
  14. I sure hope so. Radiant Garden would look stunning with KHIII's graphics. Plus, it's an awesome world home to practically every Final Fantasy character you meet.
  15. I've heard about this theory before, and like I said, I don't think they'd bring that style back after implementing the triangle function in KHII (Which by the way, is SO much more convienant) and again replacing KHI's various options with the triangle button aswell in 1.5 Remix. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't make much sense to me, and honestly i'd be a little skeptical on it if they did indeed bring that feature from KHI back into KHIII.
  16. With some some aspects of battle systems in all the other games. I honestly liked the command deck additions in KH BBS and KH 3D more than KHII's battle system. Nomura said basically that they're going to mend them all together in to one, with KHII's battle system as the core. Which means, if well done and well executed, it will be one badass battle system.
  17. Correction: I could be, but I wouldn't know about it. Could be one of my cousins. Hell, could be an actual sibling knowing my father.
  18. Note: I will probably misspell all the Star Wars names. How would a sequel to BBS even work? I mean TAV would all be unavailable... Unless they went BEFORE that. I'm content with KHIII. As for the Star Wars, i'm not against it as many other people are. IF it works. Which is would be very difficult for Nomura to blend them together. It would be kind of odd, and honestly I doubt Disney would give up the rights to use Star Wars for KH anyways. Episode III would be the most likely. Anikan going to the "Dark Side". Obi Wan as a party member. I don't know though, I seriously doubt we'll see a Star Wars appearance in KHIII. It's always been about these "legendary" Disney worlds, and with Star Wars just becoming owned by Disney... Meh, who knows. Still hoping for Toy Story...
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