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Everything posted by JJForever

  1. Haven't been on this in awhile. Felt like making a thread. Here we are. Hi. Have a nice day.
  2. Were you like "I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom hearts... Is light!"
  3. I was going to read this. That font though...
  4. I don't like Pokemon... I prefered Yu-Gi-Oh! growing up... Not a fan of the Metal Gear Solid franchise either... Pizza roles dipped in mustard and mayonnaise mixture is THE SHIT I don't like ice cream very much... Pepsi is terrible... (Coke is worse) I hate 90% of all T.V. shows Lil' Wayne doesn't make all that bad of music... Facebook is an insult to humanity (Ok, maybe over did that one, but it is pretty lame)
  5. People say way worse shit than this on YouTube comments for crying out loud. I don't see the police doing anything about that. The kid was being sarcastic. Granted its not something to really joke about, not at all but come on. I hope his judge understands the concept of being "Young and ignorant"... Sure give him some probation maybe, make your point, but eight years in prison? Wow. Then to have that on his record for the rest of his life? He would be totally lost when he gets out.
  6. First of all, Cloud has the Buster Sword, which he obtains after Zack dies. That's pretty much enough in itself.
  7. I said I wouldn't click this thread. ...And here we are.
  8. Marluxia was a cool character. Would have been cool if their was more screen time for him...
  9. I think something like the mirage arena would be better than Olympis Coliseum returning at this point. I also want to see: Toy Story (Hell yeah) Up The Sword in the Stone The Jungle Book Robin Hood ...And I'll be just fine.
  10. Atlantica had potential to be a good world. In KHII it was horrible, but in KHI it wasn't to bad. Unique at least. Imagine the visuals they can pull off under da sea with KHIII
  11. I'd rather the in game look like the "Another side, another story" KHI secret movie, but meh. These look good too.
  12. Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was charged with first degree murder and five other gun-related charges on Wednesday, as the prosecutor in court said Hernandez orchestrated Odin Lloyd's "execution." Hernandez had been questioned in the killing of Lloyd, an associate of Hernandez who was found dead near Hernandez's house. Much of the case was laid out in court as the prosecutor asked the judge that Hernandez be held without bail – a request that was granted. Hernandez was transported by police to his arraignment at Attleboro District Court and arrived at the courthouse just before 2 p.m. Eastern. He was mostly expressionless as he heard the charges read in the courtroom, and didn't change expression as he heard the prosecutor outline the case against him. That included the prosecutor saying there was surveillance video of Hernandez with a gun the night Lloyd was shot. The prosecutor asked that Hernandez be held without bail, and despite Hernandez lawyer Michael Fee's argument that Hernandez is not a risk to flee, the judge ordered Hernandez be held without bail. Multiple reports said Lloyd's family was in the courtroom for Hernandez's arraignment. Lloyd's body was found on June 17 near Hernandez's house. Police have investigated in and around Hernandez's house since then. The prosecutor offered many details of the case against Hernandez. Hernandez was seen with Lloyd at 2:30 a.m. the morning he was found dead, according to the Boston Globe's Wesley Lowery, one of the reporters in the courtroom. Hernandez's phone included texts to Lloyd and two friends the night of the murder. According to Lowery, the prosecutor said police have Hernandez on tape with a firearm saying "you can't trust anyone anymore" before picking up Lloyd.
  13. Toy Story and Sword in the Stone are two worlds I REALLY want. Sword in the Stone seems likely if Nomura get's permission to use it because of the role Merlin has played in past KH's. I love EVERY Pixar movie, but Toy Story has been my favorite since before I could walk... Hopefully Disney and Pixar would allow Nomura to use it.
  14. I used to like Pokemon. ...Then I took an arrow to the knee. YOLO. ✌
  15. Banning guns would do nothing to lessen any amount of violence. People would just go about it another way. Having access to a gun is more or less just a convenience for murderers and such. Like in Japan... Ever hear of the Osaka school massacre? That dude didn't have a gun, he had a knife. Still managed to kill eight innocent children and wound fifteen others. So what's next, are they going to ban knives too? Personally, I think banning guns to the general public at this point would be next to useless. It's like drugs. Most of them aren't legal, they aren't sold in stores. Yet, illegal drugs are still a huge problem to modern day society. I don't believe any good comes from guns. I wish they never existed, but since that's not possible, I don't see a reasonable solution for it. If America banned guns, the protests alone would be ridiculous. Every redneck and their gun wielding kids would be out on the streets.
  16. It's not about how fast it is, it's that delay that he does after the dash before you can do another dash that get's you killed. With Ventus and Aqua you can mash the button and it will just flow together.
  17. The battle system of a traditional Final Fantasy? You mean like a turn based battle system?That would be... Mehh. The turn based thing is the only thing that's kept me from getting into the Final Fantasy series...
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